Sunday, November 21, 2010

47 YEARS AGO TODAY, November 22, 2010

That would be November 22, 1963. It was the day that President John F. Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline visited Dallas, Texas. At Love Airfield, Texas Governor John Connolly and his wife Nellie, greeted the Kennedy’s and the four of them were riding in an open “presidential limousine” on the way to a speaking engagement at the Texas Trade Mart.

As they turned to pass the Texas Book Depository, there were shots, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Many people were either not born, or too young at the time to remember the events of that day. At the end of this article, I am including a few links for research purposes.

For me, I was at work that day. I was serving in the U.S. Air Force, Air Defense Command, at the NORAD facility at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls, Montana. My job was ‘INDT’ or Interceptor Director Technician, meaning that I worked with an officer to control interceptors. Together we would use verbal or computer commands to direct interceptors to target aircraft. It was a constant practice, practice, practice, to defend against any attack on North America by the Soviet Union.

If I recall correctly, it was a Friday, and there were a few ‘missions” scheduled. I just finished working a mission and was having a sitting rest. We could “sit rest,” tilting back in a chair with one up on another chair, and the other foot on the floor, and with our eyes closed – as long as we could respond if someone called our name. I was doing that when the NORAD Hot Line phone rang. It had a strange sound, sort of a “BWEEDLE, BWEEDLE, BWEEDLE” sound instead of the regular phone ring sound. Everyone in the room would hear that and know that it was NORAD Headquarters on the phone. It was about 35 past the hour.

I sat up in my chair and looked toward the raised dais, where the Senior Director and his staff sat. There were two Majors and two Senior Master Sergeants at that location. All listened intently, and verified the authenticity of the message by using something then known as a CAC, a secret cryptographic message verification process, to assure the message was real and coa ming from NORAD.

As soon as they completed that call, Major Van Quince looked around the room and spotted me sitting by myself. In a voice loud enough for me to hear him clearly, he said, “Airman Clark report!” That was an order, and it meant that I had to hop right to it, and present myself – at attention, and with a salute, which I did.

He told me, “I want you to listen to me very carefully. I am going to tell you something very important, and I want you to go around the room and tell everyone what I am going to tell you. Is that understood? I replied with a “Yes Sir!”

Major Van Quince continued, “President Kennedy has been assassinated, and the governor of Texas badly wounded. During a presidential motorcade, assassins fired from an overpass and killed President Kennedy. Lyndon Johnson is now the president of the United States. We do not believe it was an attack by the Soviets or another foreign country. Do you understand what I have just told you?”

I said, “Yes Sir!” and repeated the information to him, almost verbatim.

He said, “Good, now, go around the room and inform each and every person in this room. When you are done, report back to me.”

I saluted and went off to perform this order.

That ‘room’ was “The Weapons Room” and next-door was “Air Surveillance.” The Weapons Room had four areas consisting of a “Weapons Director” console, and six Interceptor Control console stations. Three of those areas were in use during this mission. It meant there were about 38 people at work controlling interceptors during that mission.

I began my task and very quickly got some hostile responses from officers and airmen. “Clark, if you are making this up or lying to me I will Court Martial you!” was the response from the first couple of Lieutenants and Captains.

Finally, a light went on in my head. “Sir, I have a message for you from Major Van Quince, he asked me to inform you that…”

Nearly everyone was in shock and disbelief, as I completed the rounds with this terrible news. Detail done, I reported back to Major Van Quince. He thanked me for doing that, and suggested that I go get a cup of coffee.

Instead, I went to the break room and just sat there. I was almost numb. Some of the civilian employees were eating their lunch and watching a game show on TV. A few minutes passed before the “NEWS BULLETIN” sign came onto the TV screen.

As soon as it appeared, I mentioned that they were going to say that President Kennedy had been shot and killed in Dallas, Texas. The several people in the room turned to look at me, in mid bite of their sandwiches, as if I was evil incarnate. All of us watched as a jittering camera focused on the chaos at the emergency entrance at Parkland Memorial Hospital, and the news that followed.

A few days later, I was in the hospital for a tonsillectomy that had been scheduled for many moths. I damn near died from loss of blood during that surgery, and was in the hospital during the Kennedy funeral. I also remember the Thanksgiving a few days later, on the 28TH, and how everyone else got a nice turkey dinner while I had water and Jell-O.

I always found it interesting that NORAD knew President Kennedy was dead almost immediately, and that it took 15 to 20 minutes or more for the news media to react to it. That day lingers in my mind, as if it happened this morning. It leaves me with two particular somethings to ponder - assassins and overpass.

Major Van Quince was a very intelligent person, and the only person I ever met who had a near photographic memory. He was always calm and was reasonably kind toward all who served under him. He flew B–24 bombers during WWII, and had some of the best war footage film I have ever seen.

Those were films taken from inside his planes during the bombing runs. It was riveting to see the plane shake with near misses from German artillery shells and anti-aircraft “ack-ack” guns. He and his co-pilot filmed things like their bombing raid on the oil fields of Ploesti in German held Yugoslavia. Major Van Quince was there and lived to tell about it.

In 1963, I had no idea that Major Van Quince was a hero, as well as the others who served with him; but, I know it now in 2010. God bless them all. This video clip shows what that combat was like.

Therefore, more than likely, Major Van Quince was not someone who would make an error with a message from NORAD. I distinctly recall that he said overpass, and, assassins – and that is with an ‘s’ meaning more than one; and, that was information he received direct from NORAD Headquarters.

A few days ago, Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory program aired information about the murder of President Kennedy. It is hard to know what to believe. However, I am sure that Lee Harvey Oswald would not have been able to fire three accurate shots at a moving target within about six seconds, using the rifle the authorities said he used.

Instead, I have long suspected that this was a very professional hit, probably involving highly trained and experienced government or organized crime snipers. More than likely, others in the government, including Vice President Johnson, “might have acted in what they believed was the best interests of the country,” to prevent President Kennedy from doing something.

There are so many theories about the Kennedy assassination. However, I only know what Major Van Quince told me, and to this day, I believe him. “Overpass and assassins.”

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


It is a very good idea to STAY AWAY FROM DOWNED WIRES. Very few people realize that electricity can "reach out and touch someone."

You could be standing several feet from charged utility pole wires that crashed down due to wind and storm activity. There is a tendency for some people to get closer to something, to have a better look. In the case of downed wires, it could be the last time you look at anything, because the electricity can reach toward you, and cause very serious burns or death.

The best course of action is to report the situation to 911, or your local fire department, and let them contact the utility company. Linger in the area - at a safe distance - to warn other people away from the danger.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


This is about the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Please click on this link to read about my experiences.

Please leave comments about this Open Salon article. There is a space to do that at the bottom of the article.

Saturday, October 9, 2010



Recently, there have been many articles about young people in schools and the military committing suicide. Some of these people were "victims" of gay bashing, religious intolerance by so-called "good Christians," and other forms of harassment.

I would like to mention a few items:

1) Many people quoting from, or referring to, the "Bible" more than likely are referring to the King James version.

These folks might not know that King James was a homosexual, or at the very least, a very active bi-sexual. When he hired about 60 scholars, approximately 20 each from Cambridge, Oxford and Westminster to "translate the ancient tongues;" he made sure that his beliefs and prerogatives were in the "new translation."

In fact, the scholars were so upset by his meddling, the scholars placed a well-hidden disclaimer in the preface, wherein they state that they "recognize this as the King's own work." King James was a "do as I say, not as I do" kind of guy, a big spender, and a party, have fun, type of monarch. (Note: This is not my opinion, it is historical fact.) This disclaimer is found in the preface of pre 1870s Bibles.

1605 to 1611 was a time when if you did or said anything to displease King James, you went among the missing, or ended up in a public execution of some sort (gallows, garroting, dunking, beheading, etc.) These scholars undertook their task in fear of their lives. However, they knew the king was agreeable to praise.

Therefore, they inserted their disclaimer amid a long, flowery tribute to King James.

2) Any type of bullying in any school or the military should not be allowed, condoned, or tolerated in any manner. There are young bullies and there are older bullies. Bullying is an aberrant mental health issue about controlling others.

3). An alternative point of view. Worldwide there are thousands of religions. Most have a different view of what happens when we die. However, more than likely, about .625% of the world population believes in some form of reincarnation. From tribal groups to modern “civilized” societies, many believe in reincarnation and contact with their ancestors. It is mostly the western or "Christian" societies that look askance at reincarnation.

However, what if the reincarnationists are right?

If the reincarnationists are correct, it means that all of us are here to learn, experience, and help others.

They believe that what we do is predetermined before we come into a new life. Just like in school, there are mandatory and elective "courses" or teachings and experiences we must pass, to get to the next grade level. The extra credit work is what we do and how well complete the task to help other people. For most of us, our present life is like preschool or kindergarten, and in some cases, maybe first grade.

If one decides to check out early, (suicide), that equals failure. If you kill yourself because you cannot handle whatever it is, this is the likely scenario – instantly, your spirit goes back to the teachers. They express dismay at your failure.

They review with you all the good and bad, and the things you said you would do but did not complete, during your life on earth. Now, they say, "you will have to repeat all the courses you previously signed up for but did not finish, and, we will be adding a few more."

For some people who did not do very well in “learning, experiencing and helping others,” the teachers might say something like: "Remember how intolerant you were of other people? Remember, how you believed you had it tough because people picked on you? Remember how you bullied other people? Remember how you used the Bible to support your own personal views?" In the case of a narrow minded White red neck male, the teachers might conclude, "Well, this time, we are going to send you back as a Black/Hispanic/Asian female, lesbian, Jew, with a deformed left leg. Bye-bye."

On the slightest of chances, as in .0000000001% possibility, that something like that COULD happen, that is THE very strong deterrent to suicide.

After all, who in their right mind would want to risk having to live their life over again, everything, right up to that point where you opted out of the last life, to see if you get past it, and go on to complete your courses? (The goal is the equivalent of graduating from college.)

4) Oh, the teachers say that suicide is like flunking kindergarten and you have to keep coming back, again and again, until you get it right. Now, that is down right scary. Those who know, say that it is not uncommon to see spirits that have two to eight repeats.

If that is not a reason to never commit suicide, I don't know what could be more convincing.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


News item:

"Sultan man dies after being tased by Snohomish Co. deputies." You can read the details here:

The statistics involving police use of the Taser device resulting in deaths, continue to rise.

In the past, I have seen televised demonstrations of the Taser, where police deploy the Taser on one of their own. Such demos are an attempt to provide proof that the Taser is harmless. Luckily, the volunteer survives.

However, I wonder what would have happened if at such a demonstration, the police officer experienced full cardiac arrest and could not be revived…

How many Tasers would that police department buy after such an incident?

The incident in the tiny community of Sultan in western Washington yesterday, is yet another grim statistic laid at the door of law enforcement.

In the U.S. last year, there were about 94 police related uses of Taser equipment resulting in death of the suspects. The statistics are higher when one adds other countries.

The human body runs on a very delicate electrically balanced system. Whenever that delicate balance has a severe disruption, it can increase the human heartbeat by as much as 200 to 300 beats per minute. This can result in immediate cardiac arrest. Or, the disruption can stop the heart immediately.

Some of the reports of police deployment of the Taser indicate more than one application of electricity to the suspect. In some cases, there were several shocks from the Taser before the suspect collapsed, in death.

Yeppp, Taser deployment can result in an execution by electrocution, so to speak, and that is without the benefit of trial, jury, judge, reviews, appeals, etc. In some cases, Taser use is just some “street justice by cop” – all in the line of duty, of course; and the Taser use carefully defended by the police.

More than likely, police agencies will have to reconsider the use of the Taser as part of their equipment. Eventually, there will be lawsuits decided in favor of very large monetary awards to the dead suspect’s family or relatives.

I find it very troubling that after realizing there have been hundreds of deaths resulting from police deployment of the Taser on suspects, the police continue to use the device.

If this were several hundred rupturing gas tanks on a car over a period of three or four years, the public would be in an uproar. Yet, because it is police related, there is nary a whimper.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


The neat, businesslike sign, placed just above the doorbell, says “NO SOLICITING.”

It is not possible to “not see” this sign in advance of knocking on the door, or ringing the doorbell.

Yet, for whatever reason, there are some people who persist in ringing our doorbell, to spread the message about their gospel, goods or political beliefs.

Each time, I ask myself, “What the fongonus are they thinking?” Don’t they realize that trying to make a pitch after being asked not to, only causes aggravation to the resident? It definitely disinclines me from wanting to listen to or buy anything.

If I do not know you, and you do not live in the neighborhood, and my car or house is not on fire, then I wonder why someone would want to ring my doorbell.

Sometimes they are trying to sell carpet cleaning by offering two free rooms - today only. Other times, with a Bible open at the ready, they are ready to quote some verse, in order to support their particular religions viewpoint. Or, maybe they are just ready to had over a pamphlet about the product, church or political candidate they are supporting.

We have a heavy duty, security type, metal screen door. It was locked. The front door was open, to allow some cool air, as it has been fairly hot in these parts the past few days. Dressed in my grey boxer briefs, t-shirt, and slippers, I was in the middle of preparing breakfast, in anticipation of watching the FIFA World Cup match between Spain and The Netherlands.

When the doorbell rang at 10:05 AM, I stepped the few feet from the stove to the entry hall to see the stranger at the door. As soon as he saw me, he started his 60 miles per hour pitch about carpet cleaning, wanting to know what room I wanted cleaned first. When he paused to catch his breath, I pointed to the sign and reminded him that it says “NO SOLICITING.” His response was that he was not selling anything, because he was offering free carpet cleaning.

I said, “Do I look like I just fell off a turnip truck?” I let him know that I would not be very anxious to participate in any unsolicited offer, "...especially from someone who is so reasoning impaired that they do not understand the concept of NO SOLICITING."

He had some sort of smartass comeback, and I let him know that I guessed that I would have to go get the shotgun.

He said if I went to get the shotgun, he “…would have to get the sheriff out here.” I let him know if would not be the sheriff, it would be the Marysville, police, and, they’ve already been out here several times in the past. “They already know I’m a little tetched in the head.”

That’s when I started my obvious nervous tick routine, and talking to imaginary folks. One voice said, “You have to shoot someone this stupid,” and another voice said, “He’s only trying to sell carpet cleaning, let him go.” Then I said, “Yeah, but he can’t read. That means he’s real stupid and should be culled from the gene pool.”

As the nervous ticks became more exaggerated, the unwanted intruder decided that it was time to take off, lickity split, for his own personal safety. I had a good laugh as I returned to fixing the scrambled eggs.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Why do so many people pray for rain on the 4TH of July? Living in western Washington is mostly quiet, except for December 31 and July 4. For about a week in advance of those calendar dates, there is the sound of warfare in the air.

The sounds of warfare arrive courtesy of the Tribal Community on the other side of HWY5, about two miles in the distance. Years ago, before political correctness, it was an Indian Reservation. Nowadays, folks refer to the area as Tribal Lands or Tribal Community. They sell fireworks, all sorts of fireworks. Tribal lands are where anyone can buy anything that can explode, or, go up into the air then explode.

I heard a news bite where a reporter was interviewing a few “Tribal Members,” who professed that it is a Native American tradition to sell and use fireworks, especially on the 4TH of July.

Hmmm. I am not so sure that Native American Tribes are all that supportive of the Independence Day celebrations.

After all, most Native Americans lost their way of life with the encroachment of the non-native Americans – mostly White and Black folks bent on taming the west. Why would Native Americans want to celebrate that?

More than likely, this is a Tribal grand scheme to get back at the “White People,” by extracting money from them. Most Tribal Lands have a casino, and most of them are doing very well, thanks to non-native customers. So, how else can the Tribes harvest more dollars? Well, selling fireworks fits in very well.

The Tribal People know that “White Folks” will spend all sorts of money to buy fireworks, especially things that go boom on land or in the air. Thousands of visitors will spend $50 to $300 or more for their personal fireworks display. Across the U.S.A. it becomes a neighborhood contest and game of one-upmanship, to see who has the best fireworks display.

In these parts, there seems to be a fascination with rockets. There are many types and sizes of rockets for sale; but, by far the Tribes sell more “bottle rockets” than any other types. Of course, these rockets are “unguided missiles” that can land anywhere; and, yes, they do start fires.

Every year, in the week before and after the July 4TH holiday, there are many fires and injures associated with the use of fireworks, even the so–called safe and sane variety.

I believe that all fireworks are dangerous, even when used according to directions. Most people do not realize that the perceived harmless “sparklers” burn at the temperature of a welding torch, and can cause serious injury.

So far, in the 2010 season, there are some interesting horror stories involving the use of fireworks. Bad things can happen to people, even trained professionals. Here are some links:

In 2009, there were about 8,800 fireworks injuries and two deaths, in the U.S. Also, there were thousands of fires and millions of dollars of damage resulting from the use of fireworks. This link provides interesting fireworks statistics.

Here are some safety tips from FEMA’s U.S. Fire Administration.
• The best way to protect your family is not to use any fireworks at home — period. Attend public fireworks displays and leave the lighting to the licensed pyrotechnic professionals.
• Kids should never play with fireworks. Sparklers can reach 2,000° Fahrenheit — hot enough to melt some metals.
• Steer clear of others — fireworks have been known to backfire or shoot off in the wrong direction. Never throw or point fireworks at someone, even in jest.
• Don't allow kids to pick up pieces of fireworks after an event. Some may still be ignited and can explode at any time.
• Think about your pet. Animals have sensitive ears and can be extremely frightened or stressed on the Fourth of July. Keep pets indoors to reduce the risk that they'll run loose or get injured.

In my neighborhood, it is always like a war zone. There are many things that go boom, and some with a very big boom. There are firecrackers, cherry bombs, M-80’s, and other items up to the equivalence of about a half a stick of dynamite.

Every year I get ‘flinchitis’ from flinching at the loud booms. Also, every year, I have to remove spent rockets from my roof and yard. I am on constant vigil to keep my roof from catching on fire due to an errant rocket or other type of fireworks. That is why many people, including me, always pray for rain on the 4TH of July.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I am not the most ardent of soccer fans, but I do like to watch some of the World Cup games.

So far, in the 2010 events, almost every game I watched has had some questionable officiating, if not outright bad calls by the referees; and, it is not just me. Others have noticed the bad calls too.

These bad calls have brought up the subject of "instant replay" with millions of sports fans questioning why FIFA, the organization behind the World Cup contest, does not allow instant replay.

After all, it is 2010, and one would think that it is way past the time for FIFA to implement instant replay; so that two "off the field officials" can review calls, when requested to do so by the coach of a team.

For FIFA to continue to deny instant replay is not fair to the players, and it is not acceptable. There is no valid reason why FIFA could not set up an instant replay policy and procedure similar to that used in professional football in the USA.

Unfortunately, there are waaay tooo many ATNAs who are sports fans. Those are people who are ALL TALK, NO ACTION.

The millions of sports fans who are disappointed with the officiating at the World Cup events this year, need to let FIFA know about your thoughts and concerns. Now is the time to speak up and do that.

Here is the link to make comments to FIFA:

Now, get off your dead butts and do something about it!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


If you have been asleep for the past few weeks, you’ve been missing the constant news about the oil well disaster off the coast of Louisiana; and the intricate web of finger pointing in an attempt to lay blame.

Some people blame the Bush administration, due to certain favoritism toward the big oil companies, of which Richard “Shotgun Dick” Cheney and George W. Bush have more than passing familiarity. Others blame the giant oil Company BP for having extremely lax policies about such disasters, (no preparedness), and the slow response to do something about it.

As BP scrambles to try to contain this spewing of natural resources that is devastating coastal and marine life for miles and miles, one has to ask a question: Why were there no adequate safeguards in place, in advance preparation for such a disaster?

Since almost forever, the oil companies have been licking their chops and salivating over the possibility of drilling off the California coastline. Fueled by the resolve of the NIMBYs, thankfully that has not happened yet, at least to any meaningful degree. Can you imagine what would be happening if this disaster were taking place off Venice Beach, Malibu Beach, or Big Sur? More than likely, the residents of the state of California would have voted to secede from the Union, and declare war on the U.S.

However, there is another aspect to this that others have not mentioned. Sabotage. This oil well disaster shows as a blueprint for terrorists who really want to cause havoc. Yes, they can fly a plane into a very tall building, and cause multiple deaths and destruction. Although, the chances of something like 9/11 happening again any time soon might be a tad remote.

So, what would happen if Islamic terrorists were to destroy four or five producing coastal oil wells? Would the ocean waters within a 10-mile radius of each well become contaminated? For all intents and purposes, would a much larger area of the ocean become dead for years and years into the future?

If anything, the BIG lesson about this disaster is the lack of security. Lack of security to protect these wells, and the lack of security of having a workable disaster plan. It looks like the U.S. government, and the oil companies – in addition to BP – were caught without any solid, meaningful, plan for such a disaster.

Despite the lessons and experiences involved with the Hexxon-Valdez incident years ago, it appears that zero, zip, nada, nothing has been done to substantially provide safeguards and action plans for such disasters.

As the late great political cartoonist Walk Kelly wrote, through little Pogo Possum, on Earth Day in 1970, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” For more information about Pogo, please visit:

Saturday, May 22, 2010


If you have been out of the country the past month or so, you might have missed the brouhaha about the newly signed Arizona law that calls for tougher immigration standards.

Many people wrongly believe the new law is discriminatory, and that it would allow the police to question you if you have Hispanic-looking skin color. That is not true. If the police have stopped you, to question you about another matter such as a driving infraction, and ask to see your driver's license and proof of insurance, and you have neither in your possession, that is one of the thresholds to ask more questions about your identification and possibly your citizenship status.

If you are in the U.S. legally, there will not be a problem. If you are not in the U.S. legally, the police will arrest you. It is as simple as that. Various cities and all sorts of people, including President Obama, have been grandstanding to denounce this law. I believe it is s good law.

Even the president of Mexico got into the dog and pony show to denounce the Arizona law; and, I am wondering how he could do that and keep a straight face. Mexico has very tough laws, much tougher than the U.S., governing immigration policies and procedures.

However, one U.S. member of congress had the balls to stand up and be counted, as he disagreed with the Mexican president's speech to the U.S. congress. Here is a link to his comments:

In the past few days, news sources have been reporting that a significant amount of people entering the U.S. illegally, through Mexico, are OTMs. That means, Other Than Mexicans.

The U.S. public has been misled about the quantity and variety of illegals entering the U.S. through Mexico. Please check these links to learn more:

Video 1

Video 2

You will see that there are dozens of countries involved in sending undocumented people into the U.S. Many of these people will not be here to mow your lawn or work at the local fast food restaurant. Some of these people are enemies of the U.S. and are up to no good.

It is time for a change in the U.S. laws and policies regarding illegal entries. In many cases, illegal entrants have been deported many times, only to come back again and again.

I believe there should be very tough sanctions applied to repeat offenders who illegally enter the U.S. Maybe there should be something like a “three strikes” law.

The U.S. needs to stop the "catch and release" policy. If you are here illegally, upon the first conviction you need to go to prison for three years. A second illegal entry conviction should bring 10 years.

Any conviction for a third illegal entry should have an automatic 40 years in a nasty federal prison, with no early release.

There should not be a fourth illegal entry.

There are some people who might argue for execution, if the illegal entrant has a U.S. conviction for a violent felony - such as rape or murder, or shooting at police officers or firefighters.

Here’s one reason why there should be a much tougher policy. Recently, police caught this guy in the act of raping a woman in Edmonds, WA:

News investigators learned that this suspect had been deported nine times prior to this current crime.

Also, we need to stop all financial and scholastic support to illegal aliens. The federal government should stop any type of financial support to "sanctuary cities." Certain cities in the U.S. have become "Sanctuary Cities," or safe havens for illegal entrants. The cities should be able to do that, but without any federal dollars for highways, social services , etc.

Supporting illegal aliens in some states has those states on the verge of bankruptcy. That means no more Social Security, food stamps, medical, subsidized housing, or schools for illegal alilens. No more "anchor baby" status either. If you are in the U.S. illegally and have a child while you are here, you and your child should be deported to your country of origin - without U.S. citizenship for the child.

Yes, it is time for a change. Now is the time to make contact with your representatives and senators, to let them know how you feel about illegal immigrants.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Last Friday, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer announced that she had signed into law, a very strict reformation of immigration laws for the State of Arizona.

Since then, there has been a very BIG brouhaha, a hurricane of protest, with most of the protesters claiming discrimination, etc. Meh, and yaaawwwnnn.

Too many people are looking at this Arizona law in the wrong light.

What about the Arizona law enforcement officers, who were murdered by illegal aliens or Mexican gang members, in the last few years?

The Legislature, Governor and a vast majority of the PEOPLE of Arizona reached a point where enough is enough. In short, they grew weary, while waiting, as the federal government frittered away more time doing nothing.

Therefore, the government of Arizona decided to take action to curb illegal aliens.

If you were Hispanic and walking on the sidewalk, minding your own business, the Arizona police would not want to stop you and ask for your ID.

On the other hand, if you were driving a vehicle and made a turn without signaling, that would give any police officer or state trooper, anywhere and in any state, the opportunity to stop you and say hello to you; and, ask a lot of questions, including asking to see your ID.

Like a Chinese Laundry - "no tickee, no washee," now in Arizona, if you do not have the proper ID, you go to jail. Then, a JUDGE will sort out the details.

By the way, agents from ICE routinely troll through the jail inmate lists, looking for any “foreign sounding name” such as Mendoza, Farouk, Mohamed, Sing, Le, Vinh, Battaglia, etc. I hope you never have to suffer the indignity of having to prove your citizenship to an ICE agent. Those folks have the power (badge and gun), to initiate deportation proceedings, immediately upon the conclusion of any local legal matters.

In the meantime, news reports say that huge numbers of "illegal immigrants" are leaving Arizona. Where are they heading? Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, andddd, possibly some place near you.

Many of these “day laborers” provide valuable services to many types of businesses.

If they were here legally, they would still be working hard and sending money to their folks back home.

Take a look at restaurants, fast food establishments, gardening services, and construction sites near you, to see how many Hispanics are on the staff.

I agree with the Arizona law, but welcome the skills, knowledge and abilities of legal immigrants.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


My bride and I were checking various movies to watch a few nights ago. We settled on watching To Dance With The White Dog, a move released in 1993; and, mostly because it starred Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy. In real life, they were married, and often appeared in films together.

To borrow from an IMDb synopsis, "This is the touching story of an elderly widower trying to work through his grief. When Sam Peek's beloved wife, Cora, dies, a white dog suddenly materializes as his new companion and confidant. Sam takes the dog on a nostalgic journey which dramatizes the fulfillment he shared with his departed wife." That comment was written by To see the complete movie information, go to:

Also, Esther Rolle appears as the no holds barred "family cook," in a well-acted role.

This is a very good movie, and I recommend it to anyone who it interested in good acting, and an interesting story. The interesting thing about the dog is that at first, "Sam" was the only one who could see it. His daughters, sons-in-law, and grandson thought he was a tad crazy.

The dog would only materialize at certain times, but finally other family members did get to see the pure white dog.

There was a conclusive theme to the movie, when Sam was speaking to other family about his wife's passing, and in some regards to his own pending demise - "There are no endings, only beginnings." Warning - you might get teary-eyed during certain scenes.

In real life, Jessica died in 1994, Esther in 1998, and Hume in 2003. They were three great actors who left memorable performances for us to watch and enjoy today.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Every now and then, actually more frequently than that, I get emails from well-meaning friends or people who I know, informing me about the latest conservative Christian, or far right political viewpoints.

A few days ago, an email arrived encouraging everyone to tune in to FOX news Easter Sunday, (of all days), at 9PM, for yet another special report concerning the illegitimacy of Barack Obama serving as POTUS, and his communist or socialist leanings.

I could no longer contain myself, so I penned this reply: "A few years ago, when I learned that FOX is not a reliable, unbiased, news source, I stopped looking at that channel.

Although I am a Republican, conservative, and a Christian, I am not a conservative Christian. There is a big difference.

If some researchers want to claim that President Obama is the illegitimate son of a relative of Joseph Stalin, and was actually born in Prague, I could give a shit.

The Republicans lost in the last POTUS election, and for a few diehards, apparently they still cannot accept that fact.

"We have seen the enemy, and he is us," the famous quote of Pogo Opossum, by Walt Kelly in 1971, comes to mind, and certainly applies to the GOP today.

The conservative Christian based power group, who took control of the GOP, decided that McCain and what's her name would be the ideal candidates. However, the GOP's aura of mean-spirited, uncaring, do not help others, philosophy permeated a stench throughout the voting public. The result was a POTUS election defeat that gave a black eye to the GOP and a bloody nose and fat lip to the Christian conservatives.

Instead of trying to criminalize Obama, the GOP and others should be rolling up their sleeves and get to work making positive changes; but, they are not doing that.

Mostly due to the very broad public perception that the GOP still only represents the rich, and conservative Christians; I do not believe that any of the present potential GOP POTUS candidates have a chance of wining the 2012 election."

The GOP still has a lot of work to do to become a Party of the people.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Lately, I've been hearing a lot about the health care issue in these United States.

Hearing and reading about all the issues, it made me wonder about the health care plan for members of the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Supreme Court, and all of the Federal Judges. They must have a very comprehensive, moderate cost plan.

It seems to me that there could be an easy solution to this mess, and it would not require a 3,000 page bill.

Why not let anyone have access to the congressional health plan, and at a very reasonable cost? If it is good enough for members of congress, it should be good enough for the rest of us.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I have been a Republican since the first time I could vote, and that was for the late Barry Goldwater.

In case you have not heard, U.S. Representative Patrick McHenry,
R–NC, (224 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515) submitted a bill to the House of Representatives, (HR4705), to kick President Grant off the $50 bill, and replace him with President Reagan...!!

When I heard that, I thought what the F**K was that guy smoking?

From the time he graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, to the day he died, President Ulysses S. Grant had a very distinguished career. Plus, after the Civil War, he led the efforts of reunification, and helped rebuild the Republican Party in the South.

If Representative McHenry wants to honor President Reagan, maybe it should be on a new denomination, perhaps a $75 bill.

President Grant deserves to remain on the $50 bill. If you agree, please write a letter to Representative McHenry. Sorry, but you can’t send him an email unless you live in his district.
With all the things that could improve our nation, this is the best this guy can imagine?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Hello all...

As you might know, U.S. Senator Jim Bunning, R-KY blocked the extension of unemployment benefits. Regardless of his reasons, this is a very uncaring, mean-spirited thing to do, to deny some income to people who really need it.

Here is my comment to him. I urge everyone to write him a letter or send him an email asking him to change his position.

Hello Senator Bunning,

I've been a Republican since the first time I could vote, and that was for Barry Goldwater. Over the years, the GOP has had a transition to an uncaring party of the elite. President Bush promised a kinder, gentler, Republican Party, but never delivered on that promise.

Now you, as one person, blocked extending unemployment benefits to people who need them. Most people who are receiving benefits, did not make the choice to get fired or laid off. The vast majority of them are desperately seeking a job, even in jobs where they have no qualifications, or that are well below their education and experience.

By ending the unemployment insurance benefits, there is an almost immediate risk of increased foreclosures.

Also, your action to deny extending these benefits, will put many people at risk of becoming homeless within as little as 45 days.

I doubt that is what you intended, but those are distinctly possible outcomes.

Please reconsider your position and vote to extend the benefits.
s/ Gary B. Clark

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


An update on the menu change. Starting on Monday, January 4th, I weighed 365.0. On February 1st, my weight was 347.0. That is like putting a 15 lb bag of potatoes, and 5.0 pounds of ground beef, back in their display cases at the grocery store. My pants are feeling a bit looser.

The weather in these parts has been very frosty in the mornings. Nearby rooftops look like they've had a light dusting of snow, but it is just the frost. I take the humming bird water in at night, and set it back out in the morning, to keep it from freezing.

My cousin Sharon Clark, age 83, had a stroke last month, but is doing well in recovery and physical therapy, according to one of his sons. It must be the royal pittts to be getting older and have something debilitating like that happen. Our only surviving uncle is 92 and doing well.

A week ago Sunday, our water heater gave up the ghost at 10:45 PM. Thanks to a local plumber, Dan, he came out and turned off the water heater, drained it, and came back Monday morning with a new water heater. I am glad he lives nearby.

Last year, I formulated a spicy dry seasoning mix that I call "Kick Bhut" due to a key ingredient being dried Bhut Jolokia pepper. (Pronounced Buh-hoot.) I learned that Dan the plumber likes spicy food. So I gave him a sample. He likes it, and is willing to try something hotter. I will be making up a special batch just for him tomorrow or Friday.

I did not listen to the entire "State Of The Union" speech by President Obama tonight. However, I did see the part where he barbequed the Supreme Court for their decision that will undo campaign contribution ethics. That did not sit very well with Associate Justice Samuel Alito, who grimmaced and made a few remarks to others sitting near him. I do believe that was very inappropriate behavior for such a Judge. It think it was the late President Harry Truman who said something like "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

I have an instant dislike for anyone who disrespects a speaker during the speech, especially if it is the POTUS. There will be time for making comments after the speech. If Associate Justice Alito is pissed at the President's comments, then Judge Alito can damn well write an editorial comment for the various papers who would be more than happy to oblige him.

I think that President Obama did a good job calling on all members of Congress to be more focused on the prize, more coopoerative, and more financially responsible. It was interesting how he pointed to the facts that the current financial mess and dissaray is a result of the previous administration's ineptitude.

During one of the camera pans of the crowd, there was a pause at Senator Chuck Grassley, who is Chariman of the Senate Finance Committee, and a Republican from Iowa. He was scowling big time. My mother and her mother, if they had been watching would have made the comment: "Senator Grassley is an old sourpuss." On the other hand, maybe his hemmorhoids were itching or enflamed a bit.

The bottom line is this: It is difficult for partisan politicians to cooperate, no matter what they are doing. President Obama was encouraging, to try to get people to work together.

Friends Jon and Dan are selling their houses, and will hopefully be moving into new digs soon.

Amen, and pass the rice cakes, please.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I feel safer giving a donation through the Clinton Foundation, mainly because it has one of the lowest, if not the lowest of overhead percentages at about 4.1%. That means 95.9 cents of every donated dollar goes to programs.

I thought you might like to know that.

Also, The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul posts their IRS returns on their webpage, so anyone can see the expenses, etc. A very high portion of every $1 does go to programs.

The biggest need in Haiti right now is water, medicine and body bags, and it looks like the aid efforts are beginning to make a difference. Here are a few of the "your dollars end up in the helping programs" percentages, more than likely from 2008. For every 1.00 donated this is how much reaches the programs:

American Red Cross = 90.1%
Volunteers of America = 88.8%
Plan America = 75.8%
Salvation Army = not rated

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Last Monday, I started a new menu, with a goal of losing weight. It is not a specific diet, or eating program. Rather, it is a combination of dozens of diets and eating plans I have heard about over the past 10 to 20 years.

The idea is to eat smaller portions about five times each day, consisting of lean protein, with green or yellow vegetables, salad, some fruit and nuts, and filtered water.

However, my plan includes eliminating the consumption of wheat products such as bread in any form, and sodas. Instead of using those, I will be using organic rice cakes, and I will make my own carbonated beverage.

Knudsen's sells a variety of juices that are 100% with nothing added for sweeteners. 25% to 30% juice and the rest with club soda, makes for a very palatable carbonated beverage, that has a lot less sugar or chemicals than the average cola product.

My intention is to lose 100 pounds by August, 13, 2010. By the way, that's a "Friday the 13th." The goal is to lose the weight, coupled with moderate exercise, and try to become healthier in the process.

I declared before God and everyone else, that I would report my weight on Facebook each Monday morning, warts pimples and all. So, here is a link to my Facebook page, so you can learn about what happens.

So you will know, I use the name Dakota Clark, and, Whistle Berries, for making comments.

My first report will be tomorrow morning, and I do believe there will be some favorable news to report...

Friday, January 1, 2010


Well, 2010 arrived. It is something that in 1960 seemed so far away, so distant in terms of reality. When one graduates from high school, there are certain aspirations, certain dreams for the future.

50 years ago, I was not sure that I would live this long, or that I would have the experiences that I have had. There have been many experiences. Some have been interesting, some have been happy and some have been sad, but all of them have been educational.

I often wonder exactly how many people meet their goals in life. Being a millionaire by the time of age 30 is one that, more than likely, a lot of people share, but very, very few succeed with that goal. I know that I did not.

My main goal in life was to learn and experience things, and to try to help others. I still am doing those.

So, while some people believe that a new year is just the start of another year, we must also consider it as the beginning of a new decade – an opportunity. It is a chance at a fresh start, especially for stalled projects or derailed goals. What can you do in the next year to 10 years that will help make a difference to you and to others?

With a computer in almost every household in the United States, there is the chance to stay connected, to learn, and to stay informed. I know people who only check their email every 90 days; and, there are some who check their email several times each day. I am one of the latter, because I make an effort to stay informed.

There is a difference between a new year resolution, and setting new goals, with a blueprint or plan on how to achieve those goals. For me, I realize that I need to bring my weight under control, and I will start that on January 4. Also, there is the long delayed spices, and writing projects.

None of us have to look too far to find things that need fixing or doing. So, the appearance of 2010 is the ticket for change – an opportunity. It will be the opportunity to learn, to experience, and to help others.

After all, “We cannot hold a torch to light the path for another, without brightening our own. Happiness is a journey, not a destination.” Quotes by Ben Sweetland.