Wednesday, January 27, 2010


An update on the menu change. Starting on Monday, January 4th, I weighed 365.0. On February 1st, my weight was 347.0. That is like putting a 15 lb bag of potatoes, and 5.0 pounds of ground beef, back in their display cases at the grocery store. My pants are feeling a bit looser.

The weather in these parts has been very frosty in the mornings. Nearby rooftops look like they've had a light dusting of snow, but it is just the frost. I take the humming bird water in at night, and set it back out in the morning, to keep it from freezing.

My cousin Sharon Clark, age 83, had a stroke last month, but is doing well in recovery and physical therapy, according to one of his sons. It must be the royal pittts to be getting older and have something debilitating like that happen. Our only surviving uncle is 92 and doing well.

A week ago Sunday, our water heater gave up the ghost at 10:45 PM. Thanks to a local plumber, Dan, he came out and turned off the water heater, drained it, and came back Monday morning with a new water heater. I am glad he lives nearby.

Last year, I formulated a spicy dry seasoning mix that I call "Kick Bhut" due to a key ingredient being dried Bhut Jolokia pepper. (Pronounced Buh-hoot.) I learned that Dan the plumber likes spicy food. So I gave him a sample. He likes it, and is willing to try something hotter. I will be making up a special batch just for him tomorrow or Friday.

I did not listen to the entire "State Of The Union" speech by President Obama tonight. However, I did see the part where he barbequed the Supreme Court for their decision that will undo campaign contribution ethics. That did not sit very well with Associate Justice Samuel Alito, who grimmaced and made a few remarks to others sitting near him. I do believe that was very inappropriate behavior for such a Judge. It think it was the late President Harry Truman who said something like "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

I have an instant dislike for anyone who disrespects a speaker during the speech, especially if it is the POTUS. There will be time for making comments after the speech. If Associate Justice Alito is pissed at the President's comments, then Judge Alito can damn well write an editorial comment for the various papers who would be more than happy to oblige him.

I think that President Obama did a good job calling on all members of Congress to be more focused on the prize, more coopoerative, and more financially responsible. It was interesting how he pointed to the facts that the current financial mess and dissaray is a result of the previous administration's ineptitude.

During one of the camera pans of the crowd, there was a pause at Senator Chuck Grassley, who is Chariman of the Senate Finance Committee, and a Republican from Iowa. He was scowling big time. My mother and her mother, if they had been watching would have made the comment: "Senator Grassley is an old sourpuss." On the other hand, maybe his hemmorhoids were itching or enflamed a bit.

The bottom line is this: It is difficult for partisan politicians to cooperate, no matter what they are doing. President Obama was encouraging, to try to get people to work together.

Friends Jon and Dan are selling their houses, and will hopefully be moving into new digs soon.

Amen, and pass the rice cakes, please.

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