Tuesday, March 27, 2012

BAD CHOICES = Death For Trayvon Martin

Racial issues aside - there are some glaring items about this matter. Mainly, that Mr. Zimmerman made some BIG mistakes, some very BAD CHOICES.

The first BAD CHOICE was to carry a weapon for his "duty" as part of neighborhood watch. (He was not in downtown Baghdad.)

The second BAD CHOICE was to disobey the instructions of the 911 dispatcher.

The third BAD CHOICE was to follow or pursue Mr. Martin.

The fourth BAD CHOICE was to shoot Mr. Martin. All of this points toward premeditated murder.

The doctrine of self-defense falls apart if Party A pursues Party B. It is overt aggression if the "intended victim" pursues the "intended assailant," instead of running like hell in the opposite direction. Also, the SYG law in Florida is meaningless in this matter, again because of Mr. Zimmerman’s pursuit of the victim.

Various news accounts mentioned "Mr. Zimmerman trying to get hired as a police officer, for several years."

One must ask, how far did he get in the selection process? Almost all police departments require a psychological profile of applicants suitable for interview. If Mr. Zimmerman did not pass that profile encounter, he would not be acceptable as a police officer. That means he could still get a job as a mall security guard, unless such a firm has a similar psychological screening process.

It looks like Mr. Zimmerman, apparently a cop wannabe, made a series of very bad choices. In effect, many people believe he is a moron. At the very least, he is "reasoning impaired." The truly scary part is this: more likely than not, he has a driver’s license and is registered to vote.

Now, he should pay for his mistakes. No matter how Mr. Zimmerman’s defense attorney will try to paint the picture – if you dress a donkey in frilly clothes and a hat, it still is a donkey – more likely than not, Mr. Zimmerman’s cowardice will be apparent to any jury.

As Forrest Gump said in 1994, “Stupid is as stupid does.” That defines Mr. Zimmerman to a T.

If Mr. Zimmerman had obeyed the 911 dispatcher and stayed in his vehicle, we would not be reading and hearing about this matter, and the young Mr. Martin would still be alive…

Thursday, March 8, 2012

STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT, a short story.

“Strangers in the night,” exchanging glances, wondering in the night, what were the chances, of not one, but three, nuclear explosions, at the same time, in Iran?

Hmmm… Statistically, that might be about 1,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.9875 to 1.

Malarkey News reported this strange occurrence during the night. The Iranian nuclear research facilities at Natanz, Qom and Isfahan, all suffered mysterious “nuclear events.”

“Knowledgeable people within the nuclear research field speculate that there is a very remote possibility there could have been identical accidental explosions during research.

That would have required researchers to be working on the exact same thing at the exact same time, and experience the exact same accidental occurrence. However, more likely than not, the explosions originated from a yet to be determined source outside of Iran.

Meanwhile, Israel and the United States remain mum, while casting glances at France, Britain, South Africa and North Korea. The official White House spokesperson, Byron Sphinx–Waddington, said. “The United States knows nothing about this other than what the news services are reporting.”

For months, the IAEC had been warning that Iran was getting very close to developing nuclear bombs. Indeed, since March of 2011, the Iranians had been working overtime to produce nuclear weapons.

It is important to note that during that time, in June of 2011, the first news of the HHRL bomb surfaced. Igor Schwartz, the noted physicist, successfully developed the HHRL. The Heated Harmonic Resonance Laser bomb has the ability to liquefy granite, steel or cement, as it delivers its bomb. In other words, so–called “hardened sites” are no longer considered safe.

By using SMDs, Stealth Mode Drones, it was now possible to make it appear as though there had been a “nuclear accident” or any type of explosion at any site on the globe.

For many years, the leadership of Iran had professed a goal of wiping Israel off the map. Now, it looks like that might not ever be possible. The Iranian nuclear development program is in shambles.

This is Dakota Clark, reporting from aboard CVN 72, the USS Abraham Lincoln, somewhere in the Arabian Gulf.”

Monday, March 5, 2012


News Item: Reports say the 40TH advertiser drops Rush Limbaugh.

I stopped listening to Rush Limbaugh many, many years ago.

When I first listened, I thought he had some interesting things to say. However, after listening for several weeks, I began to realize that he was full of hate or venom for women, and poor people. It was as if he truly did not care about anyone who is less fortunate than he is, as he counts his millions.

So, I stopped listening to his program when I realized that he was trying to be an entertainer, while harvesting as much cash as possible.

Remarkably, he has the #1 radio talk show in the United States, and sponsors and listeners have made Mr. Limbaugh very wealthy. What surprises me is that so many people still listen to him. He is not funny, and he is not entertaining. All he does, very well I might add, is stir up controversy.

As a Republican, some of his remarks offended me. It was as if Mr. Limbaugh was spewing official Republican Party philosophy, when that was not the case. I am somewhat conservative with financial matters, and I am a Christian; but, I am not a Republican conservative Christian. However, when the Republican Party does not officially refute his comments, that means complicit agreement.

When the “slut bomb” and “prostitute bomb” exploded on the Rush Limbaugh radio program a few days ago, and most of the news agencies began covering the matter, I could hardly believe that he would actually say such a thing. What was he thinking? Actually, he was not thinking.

More likely than not, he was speaking off the cuff. Speaking off the cuff, or randomly nattering on about something, is what gets most people into trouble.

Mr. Limbaugh is entitled to his opinions, but he does not speak for me. He needs to be more careful with his choice of words. The Republican Party should be all over Mr. Limbaugh, like flies on fresh manure – to let him know that he does not speak for the GOP.

Since the “slut bomb exploded” there has been a little more full disclosure happening.

For instance, it is very disturbing to read about the connectivity between Mr. Rush Limbaugh and Republican presidential wannabe, Mr. Willard Romney. Apparently, according to various news sources, Mr. Romney has at least some ownership in the media company that supports the Rush Limbaugh radio program. That indeed sets a different stage for, “Excellence In Broadcasting.”

To my mind, broadcasting excellence means that it is not ok to demean other people.

(Every time that I hear the name "Willard Romney," I am reminded of, Willard and His Bowling Trophies: A Perverse Mystery, a novel written in 1975 by the late Richard Brautigan. It is an interesting read, with connectivity to the present situation. Willard Mitt Romney grew up in a privileged, somewhat elite and wealthy family. Today, due to inheritance and his own efforts, he is a multi-millionaire. He has been running for POTUS for at least the last 10 years. Willard does not have anything in common with the average person; and, he has the charisma of a rutabaga = not a viable POTUS candidate. Yet, he will spend millions more in another failed attempt at POTUS.)

A day after the Limbaugh “slut bomb,” and "prostitute bomb," Piers Morgan had an interview with Kirk Cameron, the former child star of “Growing Pains.” It was both stunning and flabbergasting to learn of his extremely conservative Christian views.

Kirk Cameron actually said that if his daughter were raped, rather than suggest an abortion, he would urge her to have the unwanted baby, because all life is precious. More likely than not, he would support legislation to repeal abortions. Indeed, Mr. Cameron might actually become a growing pain.

What Mr. Limbaugh, Mr. Cameron, and other Republicans do not realize is this: Grey-haired older men should not be legislating what women can or cannot do with their bodies.

If Mr. Limbaugh or Kirk Cameron had to give birth to an unwanted baby, I am fairly sure there would be abortion on demand 24/7 every day, in every major U.S. city. Mr. Limbaugh and Mr. Cameron need to know that it is fairly easy for someone to "talk the talk," and another matter entirely to "walk the walk."

Abortion and contraception is a matter between the woman and her God - no one else, especially the Republicans and conservative Christian Bible thumpers.

Those favoring no abortions should pay into a fund to help support unwanted babies. Unwanted, unloved little ones often grow up to be miscreants, criminals, and very familiar with the criminal justice system. We all end up paying for that.

I wonder exactly how many of Limbaugh’s sponsors made contact with him and gave him an ultimatum, apologize or lose our support…

With $$MILLIONS at stake, Mr. Limbaugh probably saw the light at the end of the tunnel fairly quickly, and forced him to issue an "apology" for his bad choice of words. That result was a very disingenuous apology. That is making even more people wonder WHAT THE FONGONUS is the matter with him, and if they should Flush Rush.