Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I have been a Republican since the first time I could vote, and that was for the late Barry Goldwater.

In case you have not heard, U.S. Representative Patrick McHenry,
R–NC, (224 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515) submitted a bill to the House of Representatives, (HR4705), to kick President Grant off the $50 bill, and replace him with President Reagan...!!

When I heard that, I thought what the F**K was that guy smoking?

From the time he graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, to the day he died, President Ulysses S. Grant had a very distinguished career. Plus, after the Civil War, he led the efforts of reunification, and helped rebuild the Republican Party in the South.

If Representative McHenry wants to honor President Reagan, maybe it should be on a new denomination, perhaps a $75 bill.

President Grant deserves to remain on the $50 bill. If you agree, please write a letter to Representative McHenry. Sorry, but you can’t send him an email unless you live in his district.
With all the things that could improve our nation, this is the best this guy can imagine?

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