Friday, May 15, 2009

TREAT by order of the Court.

News item today – a Judge ordered a family to have their 13 year-old son undergo chemotherapy treatment for Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The boy’s parents decided not to continue with chemo after Daniel had one treatment.

The decision by the parents has been causing a brouhaha, amongst the courts and the public.

Please do not be too quick to condemn the actions of Daniel’s parents.

Some patients do not do well with the standard treatment of radiation and chemotherapy, because those treatments can and often do make the patient very ill, read extremely sick.

Some of the alternative medical treatments are designed to help build up the body’s immune system, to fight the war from within, so to speak; and, there are medicines that are not as harmful to one’s wellness.

Here are two links to further information about that subject:

Instead of people prattling on, and pointing fingers, all of us should be sending healing thoughts and prayers to Daniel.

There is something to be said for the power of prayer; and that, by the way, just happens to be one of the alternative treatments.

In the mean time, maybe the judge should step up to the plate and take full financial responsibility for paying Daniel’s medical expenses for the court ordered treatments.

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