Saturday, May 9, 2009


News Item… A man found the severed head of a snake under the broccoli served to him at a restaurant. This thumb–sized piece of added protein made my mind race.

My first thought was of Andrew Zimmern, the famous chef and Bizarre Foods food show host, whose motto is: “If it looks good, eat it!” Almost immediately, I wondered if Andrew would have eaten the snake head, by assuming that the snake head was just a little added treat, prepared just for him.

Here is a link to the article:

Of course, the restaurant staff tried to make the best of the situation, but I wonder if they comped his meal.

Now, under the headline of STAY TUNED FOLKS, there IS more to this story.

Any restaurant management system worth its (pardon the expression) salt, knows to have “items found in food” tested, to make sure there is some veracity to the matter. I guess that some members of the public are not aware of this.

Lo, and behold, it turns out that laboratory testing confirms the snake head was ‘added’ to the broccoli. That means one of two things: 1) a prankster in the restaurant kitchen, or, 2) the man planted the head in the broccoli.

Here is the link to the article about the lab testing:

Time for a drum roll, and a WAAAA, WAAAA, WAAAA.

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