Saturday, June 9, 2012


Who’s in charge at the IRS? That is a reasonable question, and it deserves a reasonable answer. I ask that question after looking at an email that is circulating. The email shows a newscast focusing on IRS abuse. The abuse that is happening, as I write this, is not what you might think. The abuse is from people using a certain format to claim deductions. Most notably, the people involved are of Hispanic descent, and for the most part, the "deductions" are living in Mexico. When I watched the video of the newscast, it made me very, very, angry. I hope it makes you angry too. Here is the link to the video of the newscast: When I forwarded this to a friend, he replied with a common sense approach: All the IRS has to do is bar the use of an ITIN number. The use of that number in and of itself shows that an individual is working illegally in the U.S. My friend went on to say that although it sounds sort of funny to say this, it should be illegal to work illegally in the U.S. Presently, that activity is being sanctioned through the IRS, via the ITIN. If whoever supervises the activities of the IRS revokes the ITIN, an illegal immigrant would not be able to claim those tax deductions. We need to cut the ITIN outflow of federal dollars to the relatives and friends of people who are working illegally, and then try to recoup those dollars. This would look like a "Three Stooges" episode, if it were not so serious.

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