Wednesday, December 30, 2009
He is the 6th law enforcement officer to die in the course of duty in the Puget Sound Region within the past 60 days.
Deputy Mundell died the hero's death – giving his life that another (his partner) might live.
In Deputy Mundell's last official act as a Pierce County Sheriff’s Deputy, he shot and killed their assailant. Deputy Mundell's aim was true. Mission accomplished.
May Deputy Mundell rest in peace.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Please take a moment to pray for the complete recovery of Pierce County Sheriff's Deputy Kent Mundell, who remains in critical condition on life support systems in the intensive care unit at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle.
Thank you.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
One of my favorites is White Christmas, by Bing Crosby.
Here is a link to Bing Crosby and Marjorie Reynolds, singing “White Christmas” (written by Irving Berlin, who was Jewish), in the film “Holiday Inn,” in 1942, the year I was born.
Notice the all-time Christmastime fire hazard - lit candles on the Christmas tree.
In addition to singing, Bing Crosby had another musical talent - the ability to whistle to written music, or to adlib whistling to almost any type of music. The song on this video demonstrates both his voice and his whistling.
To learn more about the amazing life of Bing Crosby, and his musical inventions, check out this link.
I met Bing Crosby once, in 1966, when I was visiting San Francisco for the day. I had a day off from school and decided to have lunch in an authentic Chinese restaurant in San Francisco's Chinatown.
Prior to lunch, I was sitting on some steps on Market Street watching all the people walking by on the sidewalk. There were scads of people. It was almost noon, and I was in the financial district. As noon approached, thousands and thousands of people came streaming out of the tall buildings, heading for their lunch spots. It looked as if someone had disturbed a gigantic ant nest.
I saw Bing Crosby walk by, and I got up and walked very fast to catch up to him. He was a very fast walker, but not as fast as me. Plus, my legs were a tad longer than his. He wore slacks, shirt and tie, an expensive looking type of sport coat and a hat. He looked very dapper indeed.
I walked next to him, in step with him. It was fun watching the looks on people's faces as we walked. It was the turned head, "say, isn't that Bing Crosby?" look.
I introduced myself and thanked him for donating funds to help build the Saratoga Youth Center. (Most people do not know it, but his charitable foundation did things like that. He was a big financial supporter of youth centers.) He mentioned that that was the first time a complete stranger had ever thanked him for making such a donation. We walked and talked for about five minutes, before he had to make a right turn and go into a tall building for an appointment.
That chance encounter made my day more special. Plus, the Chinese food was great too.
Friday, December 18, 2009
It mentioned various general products, but added the source of inspiration. Made in China, inspired by American electronic engineers. Made in China, designed by French fashion designers. ETC. I am sure you can get the picture.
In these days when many people, not just in the U.S., but in England, France, Italy, Germany etc. are giving more serious thought to buying less from China, apparently Chinese marketing professionals are taking aggressive action, trying to strike first, to blunt the effort of Buy American, British, French, etc.
Nowadays, it is very difficult to find "American products" that are not “Made in China.”
For example, X–ACTO is a U.S. company founded in New York in 1917, known for making their X–ACTO knife and other drafting and office supplies. I went to STAPLES today to buy an electric pencil sharpener – an X–ACTO pencil sharpener – and was very disappointed to learn that it was “Made in China.”
Try to find footwear, or most any type of clothing that is not “Made in China.” The past year, I saw some shirts “Made in Guatemala,” and some “Made in Vietnam.”
It was during the summer that I got an email about “one light bulb at a time,” and how the person was trying to find light bulbs made in the U.S. Apparently, the name brand light bulbs are no longer made in the U.S.
As the costs of doing business increased in the U.S. (labor, materials, benefits, etc.), many businesses and manufacturers started looking for sources of cheaper labor and products. These penurious, almost greedy, business people zeroed in on Third World Countries, to take advantage of people willing to work for the equivalent sum of $1.50 a day or less.
Many companies almost stumbled over themselves to set up manufacturing in Mexico, Costa Rica, Vietnam, India, Pakistan, and China. They could manufacture the same products almost for pennies, yet sell those products for very big prices, thus expanding and increasing their profits by almost obscene margins.
So, it was mostly about being greedy, instead of being happy with a reasonable profit. It became a “want more $$ situation.”
Nowadays, we, (you and I, and the rest of the U.S.), owe China Trillions of $$, due to the trade deficit. (We buy more from China than China buys from U.S.) Who would have ever guessed that China would end up owning the U.S. ?? Check out this info:
To quote the late Walt Kelly’s cartoon character Pogo, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”
By the way, you need to check your favorite brand of toothpaste and chocolate. Sorry, but I will not be buying toothpaste, light bulbs, or chocolate, that is “Hecho en Mexico.” Toothpaste made in Canada, maybe.
So, with my remaining Christmas shopping for 2009, and starting the first of the year, I will definitely be looking at the labels on everything I buy – in order to make a conscientious effort to “Buy American.”
I believe that we need to support our own workers and our own economy. Many big and small businesses should learn about what happens when nobody wants to buy their stuff manufactured elsewhere and imported to the U.S.
Afterall, considering the U.S. wineries, who needs French, Australian or New Zealand wine?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
In the Pacific Northwest, and other areas of the U.S., several big mountains attract climbers, and hikers. There are times when cold death visits these mountains.
Anyone who decides to climb a mountain that is prone to sudden changes in weather, especially during winter months, must be reasoning impaired.
Any climber, or group of climbers, should be required to buy a $$ One Million $$ insurance policy, to cover the costs of rescue efforts or search efforts, which can easily amount to $200,000 or more during GOOD weather.
Climbing during the winter months should be prohibited.
It is not fair to expect the public to pay for the emergency services and providers who put their lives at risk when they have to respond to the foolish behavior of careless climbers.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Apparently, the man and his wife decided that it was a good idea to augment the heat in their house by buying and using a propane powered space heater inside their home.
As a former firefighter, it is very difficult for me to believe that as the year 2010 approaches, something like this could happen.
Every type of "space heater," that burns any type of fuel, produces invisible, and often odorless, “products of combustion” that have the ability to make people very sick or very dead. You can't see, smell, or taste carbon monoxide, but it can cause brain damage; and, it can kill you.
Also, may people mistakenly believe that it is OK to burn charcoal briquettes to heat the inside of their house or garage, when it is not safe to do that.
Especially during colder weather, the fire service and news media need to cooperate better to inform the public about residential fire safety information – and that would include information about the dangers of alternative heating sources.
Plus, manufacturers need to step up to the plate and provide a more responsible warning about their products. If something can produce carbon monoxide and other products of combustion, there needs to be a VERY BIG WARNING about it.
Of prime concern is the importance of having working smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in each home. Many people are not vigilant about this.
With 13 years of fire service experience, I know how fast fire can spread, and I know how a fire can smolder for hours before breaking into flame stage. Those are the reasons why I have a working smoke detector in every bedroom, and hallway, plus closets where there are electrical appliances. I also have a strategically located carbon monoxide detector, installed per manufacturer’s specifications.
If people can afford to buy three packs of cigarettes, or a 12–pack of beer, they can afford to buy a smoke detector to help protect them against the invisible and odorless fumes caused by products of combustion.
There are many possible sources of carbon monoxide. For further information about carbon monoxide, please visit the Center for Disease Control website, at
Sunday, December 6, 2009
December 7, 1941 & December 8, 1980 - days of infamy.
“Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives: Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.
Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack.
It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.
The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.
Yesterday, the Japanese government also launched an attack against Malaya.
Last night, Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.
Last night, Japanese forces attacked Guam.
Last night, Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands.
Last night, the Japanese attacked Wake Island.
And this morning, the Japanese attacked Midway Island.
Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation.
As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. But always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us.
Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger.
With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.”
Jump forward to December 8, 1980, another day of infamy, when John Lennon was assassinated by a person with a grudge of some sort. I no longer write or speak the assassin’s name, because I do not want to empower him in any way.
There are some people who believe in John Lennon conspiracy theories, and these links explain some of them. If you think there are some conspiracy theories about the Kennedy killings, wait until you read these:
Many people miss John Lennon, especially his family. I know that I do. Creativity, imagination, the ability to see things in his mind and make them happen, all snuffed out by a killer, a piece of manure, who still is breathing air in a Special Housing Unit (SHU) at Attica Prison in the State of New York. It is amazing to me that he still is alive in the prison system. I hope that I live long enough to read his obituary.
Imagine if John Lennon were still living…
In some respects, December 9, 2009 will also be another day of infamy. People of all walks of life will be gathering at the Tacoma Dome, to pay tribute to, and celebrate the lives of, the four police officers who were assassinated as they prepared to do their jobs for the day. The ceremonies start at 1 PM, and will be televised on Seattle TV stations. Please take a moment of silence out of your busy day, to pray for the families and others troubled by this devastating incident. Thank you.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Any one of them could have picked up a phone, and made the call to say, "He's here, and he needs medical help." By doing so, they would have received a $125,000 reward. That kind of money could have been a life–changing event.
Instead, they made the choice to mislead police, and they tried to provide rudimentary first aid. According to reports, they also provided money and transportation.
Then, it turns out, most of the “friends” have felony records, and at least one of them might have been a prison mate of the suspect while they were serving time in Arkansas.
Now, police have seven people in custody, and I think that prosecutors are charging five of them with felony rendering assistance. Maybe they will be looking at 60 months in prison. I hope the prosecutors will go for the maximum amount of charges, and sentence.
I think that by providing assistance to a killer, their behavior is just as bad as his. They should get the death penalty, or at the least, life in prison without the possibility of parole. Why? Clearly, society does not need this type of criminal–minded people among the rest of us.
My cousin, Percy Clark, was a Salt Lake City Police Detective who was killed on duty in 1973. Even after all these years, the pain never leaves the family. He left a wife and seven children. Here is a link:
The Utah Peace Officers Association has a web site, including a memorial page that includes this poem.
Partners, please think kind thoughts, as you remember me,
It was God's will so my leaving was meant to be,
Hear the songs that speak of life's end,
And to my family, now with me gone, I hope you'll tend,
I loved the job; you know that's true,
And what made it so special was being partnered with each of you,
I'm up here now where all is good,
But I'll be watching as you patrol the 'hood,
For now and forever I'm 10-7,
But some day I hope we'll partner up again in Heaven.
Duane Preimsberger Ret . Assist. Sheriff, LASD
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
SEATTLE -- The 40-hour manhunt for the suspect in the quadruple killing of four police officers ended with the fatal shooting of 37-year-old Maurice Clemmons, Pierce County Sheriff's Department spokesman Ed Troyer said. Clemmons was shot at 2:45 a.m. by a lone Seattle police officer on South Kenyon Street in the Rainier Valley.
Seattle Police Department Assistant Police Chief Jim Pugel said the officer came across a car reported stolen when he detected movement behind him as he approached the car.
Pugel said the officer recognized Clemmons and ordered him stop and show his hands. "He wouldn't stop or show his hands. The officer fired several rounds and took the person into custody. Clemmons died from his injuries,” Pugel said.
Note: It is standard operating procedure to handcuff, or “take into custody,” any wounded or deceased suspect in such circumstances.
Monday, November 30, 2009

Police say he is armed and very dangerous. If you see this person, call 9-1-1 to report the information to the police.
Monday, November 23, 2009
More than likely, the truth will not surface until 50 years after the death of Caroline Kennedy. That is a specific government action to keep the public from knowing what really happened that day; because, if the people knew what really happened, there would be a very big uproar.
I am listing some links that will reveal things most people do not know about that day, and the day before it.
This one is a real eye-opener:
Be sure to read all of this article.
Apparently, I am not the only person who believes that certain people within the U.S. Government were behind the killing.
Also, over the years, there has been a lot of mention that suspected Kennedy murderer Oswald was a “MARKSMAN” while in the military. Here is information from Wikipedia.
…“While in the Marines, Oswald was trained in the use of the M1 Garand rifle. Following that training, he was tested in December 1956, and obtained a score of 212, which was 2 points above the minimum for qualifications as a sharpshooter. In May 1959, on another range, Oswald scored 191, which was 1 point over the minimum for ranking as a marksman.”
Range training falls into three categories, Marksman – the lowest ability but still qaulified. Sharpshooter – High ability but not expert. Expert – top score and abilities.
Thus, Oswald was not a particularly good shot at a stationary (not moving) target…
However, the rifle attributed to him had a 4X scope on it, and that would theoretcally improve someone’s aim. Even with that, someone who is not a particularly good shot, might have trouble hitting a moving target two or three times in rapid succession.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
All of the ingredients should be organic, and you will need to have:
Two 32 FL OZ (1QT) containers of organic chicken broth. We prefer Imagine brand.
Two cups of sliced organic carrots.
One cup of sliced organic celery.
Four cups of diced organic potatoes.
Four skinless, boneless, organic chicken breasts.
Dried seasonings include: Parsley, Thyme, Oregano, Dill, and Turmeric.
One pat of real, honest to goodness, butter. If you can afford organic butter, please do so. Otherwise, use your favorite brand of butter. (Note: Omitting butter, or using margarine will ruin the recipe.)
Add broth to a large stew pot with lid. While the broth is heating on medium heat:
Peel, trim and wash the carrots, slice into desired thickness. We like 3/8 to 1/2 of an inch.
Peel, trim and wash the celery, slice into desired thickness. We like 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch.
Peel the potatoes, dice into desired thickness, and rinse. We like 3/4, to 1–inch cubes.
Add the carrots to the broth, adjust heat to bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, add the celery, reduce heat to medium and simmer for about 10 minutes, then add the potatoes and the dry spices: (Two teaspoons of dried Parsley flakes. One half teaspoon each of: Thyme, Oregano, Dill and Turmeric), and simmer for 30 to 45 minutes, based on the thickness of the celery, carrots and potatoes. Note: some folks like chunkier pieces of vegetables. That is OK, just adjust your cooking time to make sure they cook.
While the vegetables are getting acquainted with the broth, trim the chicken breasts of any and all “pet food” items. Those are the fat, pieces of gristle or bone and any other of the “ugly things” that are found on boneless, skinless, chicken breasts. I like to use kitchen scissors for this task.
Once the chicken is almost pristine in appearance, I use the scissors to cut random chunks of “bite–sized” chicken pieces into the soup mixture. Add the butter.
Cook the complete mixture, covered, on simmer, for another half an hour, stirring every now and then to make sure all the ingredients are getting happy...
“The nose knows,” but at the end of a half hour, you can turn off the heat, and serve. Add salt and pepper to taste to your individual bowl of soup.
It is a good idea to serve this with good quality sour dough French bread, slathered with butter or olive oil – whichever you prefer. I like both. As Julia used to say, Bon Appetite!
Note: we do not add raw onion or garlic to this soup, because those can cause flatulence. Also, you can cut the recipe in half to make a smaller batch or double it for a bigger batch.
Here are links to additional reading on the subject.
Let me know how this works for you!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Yes, when you join the U.S. military you become "government issue," or a G.I., and, for the most part, you must do what your superiors order you to do, and without question.
However, we are on the brink of the year 2010, not 1865, and in the midst of another unpopular military action. There are many "career soldiers" who are not happy with their duty assignments.
In particular, if an officer – especially a medical officer – expresses any type of dissatisfaction with assigned duties, or conditions, the Army can simply reassign the officer, to something else. (There are many gung–ho types waiting for some action.)
Yes, there would be others waiting to take his/her place, anxious and wanting to go into combat.
However, for those desiring change, maybe there could be a stint in supply, laundry, food service, or motor pool, until the enlistment or service period ends, or the processing of a discharge; whichever comes soonest.
Conversely, instead of the Army doing that, there are the "good ol' boys" in the Army who believe in the dictum - "Ya'll do as I say, ya hear?" Or, "Yew WILL do such and such, or I will Courts Martial yew," etc. Whether their leadership is good or bad, they relish their control over others.
Most people who have a lick of sense would express some concern for their safety and the safety of others, by asking questions of superiors who might fall into the impaired reasoning category. Just because someone is a sergeant or an officer, that does not mean that individual is reasonably intelligent or knows the safest and best course of action.
As an Honorably Discharged veteran of four years of U.S. military service, I am well aware that far too many sergeants, and some officers, get waaay tooo wrapped up with, and carried away by, their authority and control over others.
It is very important to realize that one does not need to serve in actual combat to develop PTSD, (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder). There are dozens of non–combat events that could cause stress or trauma to you and not to me, and vice versa.
Major Hasan could have easily developed "transference" and PTSD or Depression, simply by listening about the traumatic and stressful experiences of his patients.
The split second that others heard Major Hasan expressing dissatisfaction with his duties, the Army should have reassigned him to different work, while, they arranged for his discharge. Problem solved.
Instead, someone in the Army, who more than likely still is receiving a paycheck, either shrugged off the possibility of trouble, or made the decision not to do anything. We need to find that person(s) and make them accountable.
Worse yet, according to published reports, the Army knew at least SIX MONTHS AGO, that Maj. Hasan was not a happy camper.
Now, because of the Army's intractability, and goof ball “good ol’ boy thinking,” many people are dead and wounded. More than likely, the Army will end up having to arrange for an execution. All of this because of some people with higher rank using their heads for a hat rack, or should that be a goofy looking beret rack, instead of thinking.
This is a very sorry mess.
A few years ago, in the state of Washington, it was a similar situation with 1stLt. Watada, at Fort Lewis, where higher rank dullard thinking ended up costing the Army a lot of money and embarrassment.
When 1stLt. Watada expressed dissatisfaction with his impending deployment, the Army should have reassigned him to a paperwork job, while discharging him. That would have saved the Army a bunch of $$ and a ton of embarrassment.
Also, it is possible that enlisted and officer troops alike could be reassigned and allowed to serve and finish their 20 year career. There are hundreds of jobs in the Army that do not involve combat, or working in a combat zone.
I am hoping that U.S. Army leaders will wake up to that fact, and do something positive about it. One can still serve the U.S. military honorably, AND be a non-combatant. Problem solved.
The Latest News
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
This is information concerning my daughter-in-law's nephew, Andrew Benavides, who received a spinal cord injury in a football game he way playing in last Saturday, October 24, 2009.
I sent this to nearly everyone I know, and some that I don't know, to ask for help.
Your prayers will be appreciated.
Please invite your friends and family to join in prayer for Andrew's successful healing.
Thank you.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Depending upon what website you select, either December 12, 2012, or, December 21, 2012, will be the end of earth, as we know it.
Why? That is the supposed end of the Mayan calendar…
Here is some basic information:
This site has an excellent explanation of various theories:
This is very good informational about the Mayan Calendar, including a countdown clock to 12/21/2012:
This is a very good, comprehensive, explanation about the Maya people, their calendar, etc., in an easier–to–read dissertation.
There is a possible bottom line to all of this: Make your peace with your God now, so that no matter when your time comes to transition to the great beyond, or whatever will be awaiting you, that you will be at peace and ready for what ever happens next.
From my point of view, I believe that December 21, 2012 is the end of a Mayan cycle, and the next day, will be the start of the new cycle.
The truly interesting thing about the Mayans, was their ability to make an extremely accurate calendar well into the past, AND, well into the future. How did they do that? The truth is, today, no one knows for sure. These were somewhat primitive people, especially compared to today’s civilizations; yet, they had very advanced knowledge of the stars and planets.
What if the Mayans ended their calendar on a particular date, well into the future, in the belief and hopes that the future civilizations would be able to continue their predictions? After all, the Maya laid the groundwork; and, they might have believed that anyone with a lick of sense would be able to understand their work.
There are some theories that the Maya people received visitors from outer space. It is very interesting to see "knowledgeable people" critique certain Mayan art carvings believed to depict space travel. Again, no one knows for sure.
So, as December 21, 2012 draws closer, please be mindful that lots of folks are going to be acting just a tad crazy, as in The Sky Is Falling, The Sky Is Falling!!
Don't foget to fasten your seat belt!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
For the 2009 Christmas Season, I again did my best to avoid any visual contact with Christmas related items for as long as possible. In fact, I believe that I saw the first noticeable Christmas display on the “Ides of September,” and that would have been on September 13, 2009.
I was at the local Fred Meyer store, when I noticed a display of Christmas lights. This year, I decided to wait about a month before mentioning anything about this.
However, seeing any type of Christmas display in September still is waaay tooo early for my liking.
Aggressive marketing is one thing, but earlier and earlier Christmas displays just seems so out
of place, almost disrespectful to the meaning of Christmas. I mean, we have not even seen a candy display for Halloween yet, or had any Thanksgiving turkey and fixings, yet there they were, the advertising for and display of Christmas lights.
When I was growing up, there was a saying, "Yeah, when Christmas comes in July." People would say that in response to something said or promised by another person, to indicate that whatever had been said or promised was nearly unbelievable.
However, it is starting to look like some retailers might just start Christmas marketing in July.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
WAITER ! There's a fly in my soup !!

I am not sure who originated the fly in the soup line, but I think that I can remember the late greats Jack Benny and Henny Youngman using it in their comedic spiels in the 1950’s and 1960’s.
The food server had just served the steamed clams. They looked great, and as if a nuclear reactor had heated them, steaming hot. Clint and I tried a couple of the clams and they were quite tasty.
The fly returned to annoy me, and I watched as it flew in an upward spiral above the large bowl containing an appetizer portion of clams. Suddenly, the fly stopped flying, as if an invisible missile had hit it. Its lifeless body fell straight into the clam broth. It was dead on arrival into that still very hot liquid. There was no effort to swim, no help me I’m drowning. It was dead.
It took several minutes for the manager to appear. I explained what had happened, but he looked at me as if he thought it was not funny, almost as if it were an every day occurrence.
I thought the whole thing was funny, and tried to make light of the situation. I mentioned that at his next regional meeting, he would have a true fly in the soup story to tell others in his company. What a great opportunity!
To their credit, the manager removed the clam appetizer from the bill, and the food server provided a free dessert item, in lieu of another order of steamed clams.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Unless one takes the time to look up at the stars, one will never see some fairly amazing things.
You do not need a fancy telescope, although that helps for viewing distant objects. A regular pair of binoculars comes in handy, sometimes; but mostly, just looking with your eyes produces some interesting results.
Someone forwarded me an email with a link to a short video about some Hubble Telescope activity. It truly is amazing to realize that astronomers pointed the Hubble to a dark area of space. What happened amazed everyone. That dark area of space revealed millions, if not billions of distant galaxies - not just planets - but big galaxies.
Sure, we see stars and some planets in the night sky; however, there really are BILLIONS of galaxies in the heavens. The Hubble video is almost breathtaking. Here are some links to it, and I hope they get you to the proper site so you can see this video:
Every once in a while I encounter someone who says they have never seen a satellite pass overhead. It is difficult for me to tell if they are pulling my leg. I enjoy watching a satellite when it is passing overhead. It always amazes me that a man made object is orbiting or flying high enough to reflect the light from the sun.
I have been watching for satellites since Sputnik and Echo1.
Where I live, in the "Pacific Northwest" it is possible to see satellites every night - that is, when there is a clear night. I admit it hurts my neck to look at the night sky. However, I resolved that by laying down on a mat. I pick a strategic spot for good north to south, and west to east viewing.
While in the presence of other people, we have seen some fairly amazing things. For instance, some satellites will stop, to a complete stop, pause a few moments, then continue.
Sometimes, a satellite will stop and change direction. Myself and others have seen a satellite make a 90 degree turn, go a short distance, then head in the original direction. We have seen a satellite make a 180 degree turn to reverse its direction.
Then, there are the satellites that stop, and jump forward three or four jumps, then go flat out at high speed, and disappear from sight within seconds. I wonder about those.
When a satellite stops, then jumps forward, stops again, then goes in a zig-zag direction, then in spirals or curly cues, over the course of three or four minutes, it makes me wonder how that happens.
After all, a satellite is in a stationary course in orbit around the earth, isn't it. How then, is it possible for satellites to maneuver?
That presents some interesting possibilities. Someone could be flying a craft high enough to reflect sun light. Or, maybe it is an unmanned craft being controlled by someone. What if these are examples of "hot dog pilots" from a military service from the U.S., Russia, China, France, England, etc.? It is possible that the U.S. military has "super secret" high flying aircraft, as yet unannounced to the public.
Whatever they are, there are some interesting views in the night sky, if you take the time to look. Since 1955, I have seen dozens of unidentified things flying in the sky - mostly at night, but sometimes during the late afternoon or early evening; AND, almost always in the presence of another person or other people. (Without using any alcohol.)
What if these are craft from elsewhere? I do not know the answer to that. However, I am very sure there are people who do know the answer, but they are keeping very quiet about it.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
What Constitutes "Advanced Civilization?"
The simple answer is, no one knows.
Did they come from outer space? No one knows. However, it is interesting to look at the placement of stones, and, the surgical incision–like grooves in some stones. Check out these links:
Suffice it so say that many researchers are convinced beyond any reasonable doubt, that our ancient ancestors did have visitors from outer space. After all, there are pictographs that show what appears to be space age uniforms and headgear – in various places on the globe, not just in Hackensack, NJ. Items, things we take for granted today, were not available, even in thought, 500 to 2,000 years ago.
The Mayans at Tikal, knew a lot about astronomy. They were able to accurately plot the movements of the planets; and, they somehow had the ability to predict solar and lunar eclipses far into the future. How did they do that? Where did they learn to do that? Who taught them how to do that?
Their society was agrarian, and somehow they scratched out an existence in a very hostile growing area.
How did they make calendars that could accurately go back into time, and, go far into the future?
At Tiahuanaco, before the invention of cranes, masonry saws, and electricity, these people managed to cut and place ‘polished’ stones with amazing engineering skill. How did they do that?
No one knows.
One of the proponents of the visitors from outer space, is Erich von Daniken. My “Activities Director” and I attended a lecture he gave in San Francisco, many years ago. However, his theories are not without the faint aroma of a bad fart.
Regardless, the stone masonry is remarkable, and the questions remain. I am not sure we will ever know how they did what they did – until the realization of time travel.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Apparently, there is a thriving community of naysayers, or disbelievers, who believe the whole thing was a fake. All I can say is this: If it was a fake, it was a very good one.
I can remember a 1971 James Bond film, where the bad guys were chasing the good guy, right through a movie ‘set’ of a faked lunar landing. More than likely, that Bond film, Diamonds Are Forever, intentionally or unintentionally helped perpetuate the myth of a faked lunar landing.
Of course, you just know that if someone sees something in a movie, they believe it is true. Worse yet, some of those folks have a driver’s license and are registered voters.
If you look on Google for fake moon landing, there will be many, many sites offering theories.
To learn more about the actual moon landings, and the fierce competition between the U.S. and the then Soviet Union, here is an interesting link:
I am in favor of another trip to the moon. The next one should be a multi-national effort, involving astronauts from three or four countries, in addition to the USA. Furthermore, interested countries should pony up their share of the cost.
With the technology of 2009 and 2010, there should be very excellent film coverage of everything from start to finish.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Ed was 86, heading for forever, Farrah was 62 and dealing with cancer, and Michael was almost 51, with a variety of health issues, including pain management. More than likely, none of them woke up with the expectation that they would die on the day when they did die.
For many years, each made their own special contributions to entertaining people.
Like him or not, Michael Jackson was a very innovative and talented entertainer.
However, Ron Upshaw, of the Ron and Don show, News talk 97.3 KIRO FM, (Seattle and Puget Sound area), made the following comment about the passing of Michael Jackson. “Thursday, June 25, 2009 @ 3:27pm Good riddance to the King of Pop I say good riddance to the King of Pop, my only regret is that he didn't die in prison where he belonged. I'm convinced he was a pedophile, and that's why I feel so strongly. What do you think? How do you feel?
Personally, I find it amazing how some people can be so uncaring, mean–spirited, and just plain nasty. Many people believe that Michael Jackson had a twisted, less than normal childhood, because he became a musical sensation by the age of 10. He spent his formative years, grinding out performance after performance with his older brothers, performing as The Jackson Five, in the goal – set by his parents – to mine or harvest as much money as possible, for as long as possible. He was the star. He was the special ingredient that made success.
Years later, during his trial, there was photographic evidence of Michael Jackson’s predilection for photographs depicting prepubescent males in a variety of sporting activities. More than likely, these were photos taken in European countries, at nudist camps, where most people would not raise an eyebrow at such photography.
Here, in the U.S., however, such photos almost brand, or would brand, someone as a pedophile. Still, one must wonder why an adult male would practically wallpaper the bathroom with such photos. Though for some people it does raise the possibility that Michael Jackson could have been bi-sexual. So what if he did have feelings toward both sexes?
The fact is, Michael Jackson DID have his day in court. I responded to Ron’s invitation to what do you think? What do you feel?, by making the following comment:
“Ron, MJ had his "day in court" and was found innocent. What you suspect, others suspect too; however, the California legal system found MJ innocent of ALL the charges against him. It is necessary to mention that adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, tend to repeat the offense on others. Not my opinion, but medical fact.”
Researchers report that sex abuse is not so much about sexual gratification, although that is part of it in some cases. Rather, most sexual abuse is about power and control, over other people. Usually, these victims are helpless to do anything about it, due to the threats of harm, against them or family members, etc. The threat of physical harm to the victim or others is part of the perpetrator's power and control issues. There are studies that show that many adult survivors of childhood sex abuse have a tendency to repeat the behavior.
Michael, Farrah and Ed will be missed, but will also be remembered for their unique talents.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The secret is consistent heat. These were larger size spuds known as 'bakers' and required careful attention to make sure they were completely cooked. Inserting the "cooking nail," (found in the cooking gadget section of most grocery stores), helps distribute heat to the middle of the potato. Using tongs, of course, about ten minutes to a side, turn, ten more minutes, turn, etc., until they have had about 90 minutes cooking time.
I cooked these on Father's Day. The temp gauge on my cooking grill device ranged from about 175 to 300, as I added briquettes and adjusted, up and down, the tray holding the fire. Most of the cooking time was with the lid closed. Constant turning of the chicken, pork and potatoes, allows a better chance of complete cooking, without burning.
You can tell by the color of the chicken and pork that doneness is almost at hand. A closer look at the potatoes shows the nail protruding a bit. Look closely at the bottom potato and you will see a tiny dark smudge on the nail.
That shows the spot where I inserted the nail into the potato when I started cooking it. For whatever reason, as the potato cooks, the nail gradually comes out of the potato a little bit. In this example, a little more than one inch. Plus, as the potato reaches doneness, there are wrinkles on the skin. These potatoes ended up getting very happy with butter, fresh cut and chopped chives, and Knudsen's Hampshire Sour Cream.
Note, I usually DO NOT slather BBQ sauce onto cooking food, because doing so masks the flavor and appearance of the food, and risks burning the sauce. I like looking at the colors and smoke ring of the cooked meat.
However, I did prepare a batch of my nearly world famous BBQ sauce, so everyone could enjoy some on the side if they wanted to do that.
With blanched fresh asparagus, this was a great meal...!!
So, Jon, I guess the secret is consistent heat, frequent turning, and a careful eye for doneness; plus, the love of cooking good food for yourself and others to enjoy. Be sure to let me know how the potato caper goes in your backyard.
Photos courtesy of Clint, of CMC Productions.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Some time prior to March 31, 1981, Hinckley had purchased a pistol and special ammo, intending to cause maximum damage, (Six Devastator rounds, which have lead azide-filled centers within lacquer-sealed aluminum tips designed to explode on impact, though all failed to do so), and tried to kill President Reagan. Hinckley wounded press secretary James Brady, police officer Thomas Delahanty, and Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy.,_Jr.
Since 1981, Hinckley has been carefully hiding behind the smoke screen of mental illness, and, more than likely could still be a threat to others, especially Jodie Foster. By being confined to a mental hospital, Hinckley has been living the "country club" style of incarceration.
Gramps believes that if Hinckley is well enough to get a driver’s license, etc., maybe, just maybe, he is well enough to return to real confinement, for real punishment for his crime. (He was found innocent by reason of insanity.) His insanity should require life time confinement, to keep the public safe.
Hinckley tried to kill a U.S. president, and wounded others. According to a 1965 federal law, Hinckley should be in prison for the rest of his life for the attempted assassination.
D A V I D - L E T T E R M A N told a bad joke the other day, one in which he attempted to deride one of Governor Sarah Palin’s daughters. It was very definitely a bad choice for Letterman to even THINK about telling such a joke, let alone actually tell it to the studio and televised audiences. Yet, he and his joke writers thought it would be a great joke...
Gramps believes that whenever Mr. Letterman derides, or makes fun of others, more than likely he does so to mask his own insecurities.
Someone must point out that Mr. Letterman has a few deficiencies as well. Every day, David Letterman wakes up to a bad hair day, with that little tuft thing he has going on the front of his thinning pate. It would be far easier to shave his head.
Almost every day, Mr. Letterman dresses like a buffoon. Anyone who continuously chooses to wear white socks with suits, is a tad fashion impaired at the least. In addition, he seldom selects ties that compliment his appearance, further evidence of being reasoning impaired. However, maybe that isn’t his fault. Others who lack fashion sense for color coordination could be dressing him.
So, that is what he faces everyday - bad hair and bad clothing choices; and, to make himself feel better, he picks on others.
All of this points toward an over paid, marginal talent. Why? Real men do not make fun of minor children of celebrities. After all, during the election of 2008, POTUS candidate Obama made it very clear, that the families of candidates are off limits.
Yet, for whatever reason, David Letterman and his joke writers do not get it; that it is not OK to pick on others, especially children.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Imagine being on a big jetliner flying from point A to point B, over open ocean, at about 33,000 feet and a speed of about 500 mph.
You encounter some mild turbulence that quickly turns into violent shaking, bucking, banging, terrifying all aboard the plane. The shaking gets worse and with a terrible groaning noise, the wings are ripped from the plane. The plane starts to fall, almost like a dart into the ocean. There is no time to grab an oxygen mask. With any luck, the sudden force of gravity and decompression causes all aboard to pass out before the plane crashes into the ocean.
More than likely, that could be what happened to that Air France jet. Either that, or there was an explosion. My prayers are with the families and friends of all who lost their life on that flight.
Last Sunday, members of the Al Qaeda Muslim terrorist group beheaded a British citizen, because England would not release a jailed terrorist, known as Abu Qatada.
In response to that, I believe the British authorities should take action to behead Abu Qatada, on a worldwide TV broadcast, then have him drawn and quartered; and have his entrails burned on a pile of Islamic religious literature and books. His quarter-sectioned body should be placed in a manure pit and covered with pig's blood, then left to rot in the sun.
People need to wake up to the fact that we are fighting their war, using our rules. There is no level playing field. Al Qaeda is not a signatory to the Geneva Conventions. If we do not start fighting the war using their rules, we will lose. Al Qaeda is a group of religious nuts who want you dead. It is time to think about protecting yourself and your way of life.
For many Muslim/Islamic fundamentalists, the only good infidel is a dead infidel. Supposedly, their religious literature recommends killing all infidels, unless they convert to Islam.
More than likely, we are in the early stages of a war of us against them. Meaning, all infidels (all other religions on the planet), against the right wing Islamofacists like Al Qaeda.
By the way, the goal of war is to win.
Their war consists of doing whatever it takes to strike terror in the hearts and minds of their enemy (that would be the U.S. and allies).
Rape, chopping off of the fingers, hands, feet, ears, nose, emasculation (losing the family jewels), and, beheading, are all part of their play book; because they are not signatories to The Geneva Conventions.
So people should not get too upset if the U.S. or allies decide to use an eye for an eye approach.
There is another war, one involving the U.S. government against U.S. veterans. The Veterans Administration (VA) handles claims for veterans who were sick or injured while serving in the U.S. military. There is a growing backlog of claims against the VA, and the backlog grows each day as more troops leave the military and become veterans. Presently, there are close to one million claims in the backlog.
The VA, under Cheney and Bush, became very unfriendly to veterans. It is beginning to look like the Obama administration is providing more of the same. Why?
The new VA administration is making it more difficult for veterans to file legitimate claims. Worse yet, the WWII and Korea veterans are being asked to provide “better documentation.” The VA realizes this is nearly impossible for 70 to 90 year-old veterans. I wonder if the VA is expecting most of them to die before there can be a decision on the claim.
Apparently, if you served in the U.S. Navy, doing electrical repair in a U.S. naval shipyard during WWII or Korea, having to work in and breathe asbestos dust, and you now have an asbestos related illness, that is not proof enough for an older veteran.
There ought to be a better way, and President Obama should be all over this to help veterans.
Last Sunday, a doctor was murdered at his church in Kansas.
With apologies to Joan Baez. and Joe Hill… “I dreamed I saw Paul Hill last night, alive as you and me. Said I to Paul, you’re six years dead,” “I surely am said he; I surely am said he.”
Paul Hill was another right wing Christian, crackpot, defrocked minister, do-gooder, who was seriously mentally ill and unstable, because he really believed he had to act for God, and killed an abortion doctor.
Paul Hill failed to realize that GOD is all-powerful, and does not need any human help.
The State of Florida made sure that justice was done, and on September 3, 2003, via lethal injection Paul Hill became an ugly historical footnote.
There are several more like Paul Hill who are doing life in prison, costing the taxpayers of their state close to $125 per day in incarceration and upkeep costs.
The religiously fervent anti-abortion folks just don’t get it. If GOD did not want abortions to happen, they would not be possible.
Throughout history, many people have decided to act on God's behalf. God is all-powerful and does not need any help from people. To believe otherwise is the work of satan.
It is very wrong for anyone to decide that they should become the prosecutor, the jury and the judge to provide punishment, especially on behalf of God.
Just because someone does something that you do not like, it does not mean you have the right to kill that person.
I hope that upon conviction, this killer receives an appropriate and meaningful punishment. Anyone who claims that God sent a killer to kill the doctor is under the influence of satan.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Hmmm… This did require a lot of thought. There are sooooo many quality restaurants all over the world; and I am not talking about 5 star snobby and expensive places either. There are many “mom and pop” types of restaurants, cafes and delis that serve outstanding food. I used to think that I would pick just one place. Maybe I would choose, by placing the names of several places in a hat and drawing out one.
However, after the advent of the food channel, and seeing soooo many places, I would be at a total loss if I had to pick just one. Also, by limiting it to just one place, think of all the other fine eating opportunities one would miss.
Therefore, I do believe that I would make it a tour. I would start with Portugal, then go to Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. There are travel guides for the cities and towns, and those guides usually list food establishments. However, I believe that I would pick the smaller towns and cities, and find out where the locals go for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I would want to try the “daily special” or the house specialty. I would take pictures and notes, and, I would definitely want to save room for dessert.
Though having a goal of visiting small cities and towns, I would want to visit Paris; and similarly find the places where the locals eat lunch and dinner. I would like to try a cup of soup in several different places; and, I would like to try the French rolls, and some of the beignet–type of dessert items.
On the way back, I would plan to visit a few places in England and Scotland; mainly to track family history, but to enjoy some food as well.
If I could have lunch with anyone in the world… Again it would be far tooooo difficult for me to pick just one person. It might be tempting to have lunch with Sarah Brightman, Fernando Lima, Mario Frangoulis, Andrea Bocelli, Bill & Melinda Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and Leon Panetta, gathered in one group.
Of course, I would be doing the cooking and it would be at my house. I think that I would prepare a mixed greens salad, to include avocado and tomato, and freshly grated Romano. There would be grilled boneless, skinless, chicken breasts, with my famous BBQ sauce on the side. I would also prepare my version of garlic bread. For those interested in adding a little heat, I would have a shaker of Dakota Clarks® Kick Bhut™ seasoning powder available. For dessert, I would prepare a generous portion of my legendary strawberry pound cake; with fresh strawberries, slices of Sara Lee Pound Cake, a big scoop of Tillamook French Vanilla ice cream, and Reddi-wip® extra creamy whipped cream topping. No one would leave hungry or displeased.
Aside from that, rather than picking just one person, I would prefer to enjoy having lunch with my family, to include wife, daughter, son and grandchildren. Again, I would prepare a simple meal, probably salmon or chicken, or both, etc.
Then, when I hit the lottery, it would be very tempting to accept the challenge of preparing a meal for all the people I know. I would invite all the people I know, including distant relatives. For those traveling from out of state or country, I would provide roundtrip travel expenses.
A long time ago, I cooked grilled chicken for 503 people, at a fire department function, so I do believe that I would be up to the challenge, with some help, of course, of cooking for all the people I know. Now, THAT would be a lot of fun.
If I had to invite just one person, living or dead, to join me at a meal that I prepare, who would I pick? I believe it would be fun and very interesting to prepare a meal for Jesus Christ.
How about you? If you had your choice of one last meal before passing to the great beyond, what would you choose?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Hummingbird Nectar and Chlorine
Apparently, many varieties of birds are very sensitive to smells; and, natural nectar does not have an odor.
Here is a link to more information about preparing hummingbird nectar, and a comment about chlorine.
DL says he and his wife have been using bottled or distilled water to make their hummingbird nectar, and have no problems with the birds sipping it. That would be my recommendation, to use bottled or distilled water to make your nectar.
Unless it is very cold weather, I prefer to use the 4:1 water to sugar ratio. Meaning I will use one quarter cup of white granulated sugar to one cup of water. I bring the water to a boil and add the sugar. I mix it well to make sure all of the sugar dissolves. (Cold weather it is 3:1, meaning a third of a cup of white granulated sugar to one cup of water.)
After the water has cooled for a couple of hours, I bring in the feeder bottle and give it a good cleaning and rinsing. Then, I add the new water. Sometimes the hummers are waiting. It is fun to see them hover nearby as I replace their treat.
Friday, May 15, 2009
TREAT by order of the Court.
The decision by the parents has been causing a brouhaha, amongst the courts and the public.
Please do not be too quick to condemn the actions of Daniel’s parents.
Some patients do not do well with the standard treatment of radiation and chemotherapy, because those treatments can and often do make the patient very ill, read extremely sick.
Some of the alternative medical treatments are designed to help build up the body’s immune system, to fight the war from within, so to speak; and, there are medicines that are not as harmful to one’s wellness.
Here are two links to further information about that subject:
Instead of people prattling on, and pointing fingers, all of us should be sending healing thoughts and prayers to Daniel.
There is something to be said for the power of prayer; and that, by the way, just happens to be one of the alternative treatments.
In the mean time, maybe the judge should step up to the plate and take full financial responsibility for paying Daniel’s medical expenses for the court ordered treatments.
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Weather
The last several years, the arthritis in my knees has been my main weather forecaster, and it is possible that is due to barometric and temperature changes. Regardless, my knees have become a very reliable weather predictor.
So, I am wondering how much these TV ‘meteorologists’ earn in salary.
For one third of what they earn to guess the weather, the TV station could just show a camera shot of my bare knees, while I tell people exactly what the weather would be doing. It would free up more time for other news or commercials.
A knee report, if you will. The only trouble is, seeing my bare knees might frighten TV viewers. Plus, I do not have a permit to show that much white skin in public. Maybe that is not a very good idea.
However, I did get a good idea in an email from DL in Salinas, CA.
Whenever it is raining, or the roads are wet, icy, etc., DO NOT use your “cruise control.”
If your vehicle starts to skid or slide, due to the wet or icy surface, the cruise control could cause you to lose control of your vehicle. If the cruise control is ‘on’ it does not know the road is wet or icy, and will still continue powering your drive train and wheels. Here is a link to more information about this:
So, let's be safe and only use cruise control when driving on dry roads.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
My first thought was of Andrew Zimmern, the famous chef and Bizarre Foods food show host, whose motto is: “If it looks good, eat it!” Almost immediately, I wondered if Andrew would have eaten the snake head, by assuming that the snake head was just a little added treat, prepared just for him.
Here is a link to the article:
Of course, the restaurant staff tried to make the best of the situation, but I wonder if they comped his meal.
Now, under the headline of STAY TUNED FOLKS, there IS more to this story.
Any restaurant management system worth its (pardon the expression) salt, knows to have “items found in food” tested, to make sure there is some veracity to the matter. I guess that some members of the public are not aware of this.
Lo, and behold, it turns out that laboratory testing confirms the snake head was ‘added’ to the broccoli. That means one of two things: 1) a prankster in the restaurant kitchen, or, 2) the man planted the head in the broccoli.
Here is the link to the article about the lab testing:
Time for a drum roll, and a WAAAA, WAAAA, WAAAA.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Well, AC, I heard a rumor from a very knowledgeable source, that the new product presently advertised by Yum Brands’ KFC, (Kentucky Fried Chicken), units as KFC “Grilled Chicken,” is not actually grilled.
Rather, it is baked. Apparently, KFC has a special “smoker oven” that bakes the chicken that is placed on raised metal, to make “grill marks” as if the chicken had actually been grilled.
To grill something infers a particular method of cooking. To cook something to make grill marks appear, is something else entirely.
So, even though baking the chicken more than likely is a healthier option, than either frying or grilling, in a way it is somewhat misleading to call it grilled chicken.
I believe that marketing folks at Yum Brands need to rethink this. Personally, I would prefer baked chicken to faux grilled chicken any day.
I hope that answers your question, and, thanks for asking about it.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
However, many years ago, (pre fire department days), more than likely I would have spent a small fortune in a good quality Mexican eatery on Cinco de Mayo. It was my experiences with the fire departments that educated me as to why no one should ever drink and drive.
Even just one drink can impair your reasoning abilities and alter your driving skills. Going out on emergency medical calls, to vehicle collisions involving DUI drivers and passengers was a real education. That is why I adopted the policy of never drink and drive.
Many people go out for dinner and a few drinks and believe they are ok to drive; but, regrettably, that is not the case. Even with a meal, alcohol still impairs your reasoning abilities.
Many people who get a citation for DUI, are on their way home after dinner and a few drinks. The hassle of going to court, the mandated fines and court costs, lawyer fees, jail time, high risk car insurance fees, possible job loss, etc., makes drinking and driving a very risky thing to do nowadays. It is simply not worth it.
I also credit fire department service for me wanting to have six working, ionization type, smoke detectors in our home. I learned first hand how, "in a fire, seconds count." If you are on the business end of a fire hose, facing a burning or fully involved residence or other structure, you learn a few things. Being alerted quickly to a fire was one of them.
Another important concern is the safe exit. No matter where you are, how do you safely exit the building in the event of any emergency? Most people never think about that until it is too late.
Today’s news had a comment that Rush Limbaugh supposedly said that he believes that Sarah Palin is the true voice of the Republican Party. Or something like that.
Rush Limbaugh, isn't he the guy that had troubles with law enforcement and drug addiction issues not too long ago?
Are people still listening to him?
Friday, May 1, 2009
The Haps...
This coming week has a few interesting events. May 5TH is “Cinco de Mayo” celebrated by folks from south of the border. That supposedly is the busiest day for food and beverage sales for the average Mexican restaurant, almost anywhere in the USA.
May 7TH is the birthday of my “Activities Director” aka wife of 41 years; and, the 90TH birthday of my last surviving uncle, Arthur King Clark.
Saturday, May 9TH is the “Full Moon” known as "The Flower Moon," or "Corn Planting Moon," or "The Milk Moon." Supposedly, if you plant the corn at the time of the full moon, you will have better corn. For more information about full moons, go to this link:
Sunday, May 10TH is Mother’s Day, so heads up about that.
In the mean time, thanks to Clint, I have a great recipe for Pigs’ Brains in milk with scrambled eggs. Anyone want to learn more about that?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Flu suggestions could result in lower gas prices.
Public Health Officials are suggesting that everyone stay inside. As in, do not travel, minimize your visits to public places, etc.
Think of the gasoline savings. With more people doing less traveling to the store, errands, etc., fewer people will be buying gasoline.
Fewer gasoline customers COULD result in lower gasoline prices; and, that COULD save you some money.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Business 'Characters'
Here is a comment and question from another reader: Is it just me, or do you also notice a paucity of "real characters" in the business world and society as a whole. It seems that now days the only characters are those business tycoons with lots of money who have P.R. people or those that get entangled by the law.
Examples of past "real characters" would be Mr. Bumbleberry and Col. Sanders. You know, real promoters, and real people with real histories. Gary Dahl, aka ”Mr. Pet Rock,” and Howard Hughes would be others.
What are your ideas on why our society is often so bland? Can it have to do with everyone being so concerned about appearing so P.C.?
-Bored with the status quo”
Dear “Bored with the status quo,” I understand what you are saying. To add to the list, there are, of course, the “technical entrepreneurs.” One only has to look at the photo of the Microsoft founders, taken in 1978, to see a real “bunch of characters.”
Who in their right mind would have risked investing any money with these people? Well, some folks did, and of course they became very, very, wealthy.
Hewlett–Packard had its beginnings in a tiny garage in Palo Alto, CA. William Hewlett and David Packard were ‘characters’ who spent a lot of time thinking about ways to improve things.
Don’t forget Ray Kroc, the milkshake machine salesman who became the icon of McDonald’s.
Harvey Gross, the founder of Harvey’s Casino and Resort at Lake Tahoe, Nevada, was another character, a meat salesman, who believed in quality. He and his wife opened a little place at Stateline, Nevada, and grew it into Harvey’s Resort and Casino.
Present day, though, there does seem to be fewer characters in the business world. Maybe it is the PC.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Fire Extinguisher Training
Well, I think David has a point. The main ‘costs’ in doing this are the costs of servicing the fire extinguisher and refilling it with chemicals. One would think the fire extinguisher service companies could team with the fire departments, and some progressive thinking insurance companies, to provide such hands–on classes to the public.
The fire department personnel are either paid and on duty, or volunteers who volunteer their time in such an educational effort. So, in most respects, there is no real or actual cost to the fire departments to have personnel providing this type of public education. Though, city or county pencil pushers or bean counters might argue about that.
Back when I was a firefighter, I participated in several such training sessions, and was very glad to do it. People were always amazed at how close they would have to get to the flames in order to have fire extinguishers work effectively to put out the flames.
By the way, oil fire training school taught us firefighters how to put out a flaming pit of oil and gasoline, about six inches deep, and 15 by 30 feet, using only a garden hose with the standard nozzle and typical residential water supply. Now, that was not only a very hot fire, but it was a very interesting experience.
So, I agree with David. There ought to be more training like this available, not only to school students, but adults as well.
Also, if insurance companies cannot step up to the plate, maybe it could be an opportunity for a business person. I realize that most businesses have so many requests for donations. However, if someone had a little extra money, and needed an authentic tax deduction, he or she could step forward and donate a couple thousand dollars to help pay for the fire extinguisher chemicals and servicing for such an educational effort.
If someone did that, more than likely, there would be very favorable publicity regarding such a community service – positive advertising that money cannot buy.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Dining Out?
We sat together and enjoyed the variety of fresh foods. Lynn and I are veterans and we like to support Golden Corral, because of how Golden Corral supports veterans. Scheduled close to Veterans Day, Golden Corral provides free meals for veterans, as a way of thanking veterans for their service to our country.
Lynn and I agree that the food is top quality, consistently, and there is a big variety. Plus, the table attendants do an excellent job. If you like salads, there is a big salad bar. I like to fix up a salad and get some pot roast. If you like pot roast, you need to try a Golden Corral. Imagine that, all you can eat salad and pot roast! Mmmmmm...
Golden Corral is a privately owned company with locations in about 40 states. Last I heard they had close to 500 restaurants. To find a location near you, visit their website.
Oh yes, I forgot to mention, they do serve Chocolate Cream Pie... !! Mmmmmmmmm....
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Chocolate Cream Pie
A few days ago, I made a chocolate cream pie, using Jell-O® dark fudge chocolate pudding mix, the type you must cook. From past experience I know that one should not add things to the recipe, because adding things to the pudding mix interferes with how the cooked pudding ‘sets’ in the pie crust.
However, I decided to tinker with the recipe a bit. Instead of using the recommended amount of milk, I used an eighth of a cup less, and I used half–and–half instead of milk. When the pudding ‘set’ into the pie crust – a pre-made Oreo® crumb pie crust – the result was a thicker pie filling.
By the way, the Oreo® pie crust takes chocolate cream pie to a new level of wonderful, especially when served with Reddi-wip®, extra creamy whipped cream, of course!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Well, Friday, or any other day of the week, is a good day to cook and serve fish. My favorite is Salmon. I like to use the fillet (tail end) because there are fewer or no bones. I like using coconut oil, enough to lightly cover the pan. Quickly sauté both sides of the salmon. Sauté the flesh side first, and then turn to cook the skin side. Add your favorite spices to the flesh side.
I usually like to add a tiny amount of butter, a very light sprinkle of onion powder, and a light sprinkle of dried dill. Then, I add some water, maybe a half an inch in the bottom of the pan, and cover the pan with a lid, reducing the heat to low. This lets the salmon steam. While the salmon is steaming, I prepare some Minute rice, and blanche some asparagus or green beans.
After about five minutes, everything is finished cooking. During that five–minute wait, I prepare fresh tartar sauce. I use almost a cup of mayonnaise, a sprinkle of dried dill, one Medium Claussen dill pickle, finely shredded, and about one teaspoon of onion powder. Mix well into the mayonnaise and have ready to serve with your meal. Of course, one can serve lemon slices, to help flavor the fish.
Total prep time from start to finish is about 22 minutes, and it is a great meal.