Well, no offense to anyone intended, but I made it through another "Cinco de Mayo," without setting food inside of a Mexican restaurant, or, having a Margarita.
However, many years ago, (pre fire department days), more than likely I would have spent a small fortune in a good quality Mexican eatery on Cinco de Mayo. It was my experiences with the fire departments that educated me as to why no one should ever drink and drive.
Even just one drink can impair your reasoning abilities and alter your driving skills. Going out on emergency medical calls, to vehicle collisions involving DUI drivers and passengers was a real education. That is why I adopted the policy of never drink and drive.
Many people go out for dinner and a few drinks and believe they are ok to drive; but, regrettably, that is not the case. Even with a meal, alcohol still impairs your reasoning abilities.
Many people who get a citation for DUI, are on their way home after dinner and a few drinks. The hassle of going to court, the mandated fines and court costs, lawyer fees, jail time, high risk car insurance fees, possible job loss, etc., makes drinking and driving a very risky thing to do nowadays. It is simply not worth it.
I also credit fire department service for me wanting to have six working, ionization type, smoke detectors in our home. I learned first hand how, "in a fire, seconds count." If you are on the business end of a fire hose, facing a burning or fully involved residence or other structure, you learn a few things. Being alerted quickly to a fire was one of them.
Another important concern is the safe exit. No matter where you are, how do you safely exit the building in the event of any emergency? Most people never think about that until it is too late.
Today’s news had a comment that Rush Limbaugh supposedly said that he believes that Sarah Palin is the true voice of the Republican Party. Or something like that.
Rush Limbaugh, isn't he the guy that had troubles with law enforcement and drug addiction issues not too long ago?
Are people still listening to him?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
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