Saturday, May 14, 2011


Mike Huckabee, Newton Gingrich, Mitt Romney, etc. for POTUS – are you kidding me? Their chances of getting elected POTUS are the exact same as them becoming the next Pope, or Czar of Russia, or The Grand Vizier of BoogaBoogistan. They must be suffering with Presinoia! (Go to Urban Dictionary and look it up.)

I think the Republican Party should consider passing on the 2012 POTUS election. As a Republican since the first time I could vote, for Barry Goldwater, it pains me to write that.

However, I realize that the Republican Party has transmogrified into an undesirable frothy mixture of Christians and conservatives. I am a Christian, and I am a conservative, but I am not a Christian conservative.

The term conservative used to describe someone who believed in proper budgeting and wise spending. Nowadays, it refers to kooky right–wing religious beliefs. "Conservative Christians," has become the more acceptable term for antiabortion activists.

There are two bottom lines: 1) The Republicans should not be legislating morals or mores; and, 2) if God did not want abortions to happen, they would not be possible. That means paunchy, balding or grey haired older men should not be legislating what women can or cannot do with their bodies.

I can guarantee you one thing, if the roles were reversed, and any of the present Republican leadership or POTUS wannabes had to give birth, especially to an unwanted baby conceived by rape or incest, there would be abortion on demand, 24 hours a day, every day, in every larger U.S. city.

In 2011, the Republican Party had better start concentrating on reducing the budget deficit and the foreign trade imbalance, jobs creation for meaningful jobs for all people who want to work, and some type of health care available to all who need it. There needs to be a "helping hand program." Not to give people a hand out, but a hand up, to a better life outcome.

The Republican Party needs to change to a Party of all the people, not just the rich. Most important, the Republican Party needs to excommunicate the religious right. The religious right needs to form its own political party.

Unless and until those things happen, the Republican Party will continue to wallow in mediocrity.

In some ways, the GOP 2012 situation is like a cattle drive. The only thing absent is mooing and manure. None of the current Republican candidate herd is worthy of my vote.

That is why I believe the Republican Party should do a 'pass' on the 2012 POTUS election. There would be about Two Billion Dollars saved, by Democrats and Republicans – money that could be used for a better purpose.

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