Sunday, May 22, 2011


Well, the rapture happened, and it looks like there is a big bunch of us left behind to await our misfortunes or commiserations.

However, the San Francisco Bay Area did have an AHAAA!, or GOTCHA! moment though, as a 3.4 magnitude earthquake rattled the area, about an hour after Harold Camping's predicted end time.

There were reports of some people giving away all their belongings... To the people who actually believed Harold Camping - What the fongonus is the matter with you?

He's a soon to be 90 year-old man, (July), who more than likely has been suffering with some form of Delusional Disorder since at least 1994!!

Mr. Camping needs to fold up his tent, sit down and shut the fongonus up.

For the rest of his life, he should not mutter any words other than thank you, please, amen, yes, or no, in response to any direct question.

His “ministry” needs to close down and retire, and that includes his involvement in radio broadcasts.

In effect, he has been yelling “FIRE” in a crowded theater. Had he actually done that, he would have been charged with a crime and prosecuted.

However, his end of times prediction about the rapture is just the same, only there is no prosecution. He should be in jail or prison the rest of his life, but that will not happen.

Despite what he thinks, Harold Camping is not a prophet. He is nothing more than an old fraud. He is evil, pure evil.

Even though I am a non-denominational, moderately religious person, more than one Bible thumper has told me that I will be going to hell, in a flaming chariot at that. In response to such thumping, I gently let them know that I would pay good money to be able to have that experience.

Anyone who has waded through the compendiums about the history of Scotland, should realize that King James, the famous Bible editor, had more than just a few kinks in his hose.

I somehow get the feeling that Harold Camping and King James would get along just fine.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dr. Stephen Hawking: "There is no heaven."

News item – Stephen Hawking, the celebrated theoretical physicist announced that there is no heaven… That is Professor S W Hawking CH CBE FRS, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB3 0WA. United Kingdom.

Well, I could not resist sending him an email to ask about ghosts. “Professor Hawking, Have you ever seen or heard a ghost? I realize it is impossible for me to convince anyone they exist. However, once someone sees or hears one, that experience changes things. Over the past 35 years, I have seen and heard several ghosts. I am convinced it was not my imagination.”

Within short order, I received an automatic reply: “Thank you for your email to Professor Hawking. As you can imagine, Prof. Hawking receives many such every day. He very much regrets that due to the severe limitations he works under, and the enormous number of requests he receives, he is unable to compose a reply to every message, and we do not have the resources to deal with many of the specific scientific enquiries and theories we receive.Please see the website for more information about Professor Hawking, his life and his work. Yours faithfully Sam Blackburn Technical Assistant toProfessor S W Hawking CH CBE FRS”

Needless to say, the comments by Dr. Hawking have caused a bit of controversy.

Heaven could have a different meaning to different people. On a basic level, some believe the streets are paved with gold. Others refer to heaven as, “the other side.” Near death survivors have described “the tunnel, and the white light.” Researches have concluded that is caused by blood deprivation to the brain.

As of May 17, 2011, the estimated world population is 6,918,900,000, almost 7 Billion people. Of that number, I would guess that 5/8ths of the planet’s population (.625%) believe in some form of afterlife or reintarnation, I mean, reincarnation. That would be about 4,324,312,500 people.

Considering all of the types of civilization on our planet, from very primitive or tribal to very contemporary city living, many people believe in reincarnation. They celebrate their ancestors, and in some cases carry their remains or parts of the remains with them. It is mostly the westernized societies with the variety of religions, which put the kybosh on “life after life.”

When King James edited his version of the Bible, back in 1605, he was very conservative, and concerned about protecting his beliefs and prerogatives. However, there is one area where he might have dozed off a bit. Psalm 121:7, 8. “7. The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. 8. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.”

Reincarnationists believe in going out and coming in. The Bible is saying the Lord will preserve thy soul; and, thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.” What exactly does that mean? Is that a veiled reference to reincarnation, and how the Lord will protect one forever? Many people believe that to be true.

The fact that the earliest Bibles mention soul, means the possibility of ghosts.

Many years ago, I owned half interest in and managed a full liquor store and delicatessen. I had hired a sandwhich maker/deli attendant/cashier, and was explaining proper food handling procedure to her, with the help of two other workers.

She asked if we had a restroom. I said, “Yes, it’s upstairs. Go upstairs and down the hall, then turn left, and turn left again, and you will find it on your left. Be careful about showing your toosh, because we have ghosts in this building.” She looked at the three of us, and me like I was nuts. She said, “I do not believe in them. There is no such thing as ghosts.”

As soon as she said that, a ghost ran up the stairs and down the hall. All of us could hear the bump, bump bump, thump, thump thump, as whatever it was ran up the stairs and down the hall. I had goosebumps big enough to cut with a razor blade.

“I said, well, there you go! What was making that running noise?” Jennifer and Michelle laughed a nervous laugh. Both of them said, “You’ll get used to it.”

She did go upstairs and completed her detail, and thankfully, nothing more happened. Many years later, I still find it interesting that a ghost was standing there, listening to our conversation. With precise timing, the ghost sprang into action – in an attempt to convince a non–believer.

So, I wonder how Dr. Hawking would explain multiple experiences like that, where more than one person sees or hears the same thing?

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Mike Huckabee, Newton Gingrich, Mitt Romney, etc. for POTUS – are you kidding me? Their chances of getting elected POTUS are the exact same as them becoming the next Pope, or Czar of Russia, or The Grand Vizier of BoogaBoogistan. They must be suffering with Presinoia! (Go to Urban Dictionary and look it up.)

I think the Republican Party should consider passing on the 2012 POTUS election. As a Republican since the first time I could vote, for Barry Goldwater, it pains me to write that.

However, I realize that the Republican Party has transmogrified into an undesirable frothy mixture of Christians and conservatives. I am a Christian, and I am a conservative, but I am not a Christian conservative.

The term conservative used to describe someone who believed in proper budgeting and wise spending. Nowadays, it refers to kooky right–wing religious beliefs. "Conservative Christians," has become the more acceptable term for antiabortion activists.

There are two bottom lines: 1) The Republicans should not be legislating morals or mores; and, 2) if God did not want abortions to happen, they would not be possible. That means paunchy, balding or grey haired older men should not be legislating what women can or cannot do with their bodies.

I can guarantee you one thing, if the roles were reversed, and any of the present Republican leadership or POTUS wannabes had to give birth, especially to an unwanted baby conceived by rape or incest, there would be abortion on demand, 24 hours a day, every day, in every larger U.S. city.

In 2011, the Republican Party had better start concentrating on reducing the budget deficit and the foreign trade imbalance, jobs creation for meaningful jobs for all people who want to work, and some type of health care available to all who need it. There needs to be a "helping hand program." Not to give people a hand out, but a hand up, to a better life outcome.

The Republican Party needs to change to a Party of all the people, not just the rich. Most important, the Republican Party needs to excommunicate the religious right. The religious right needs to form its own political party.

Unless and until those things happen, the Republican Party will continue to wallow in mediocrity.

In some ways, the GOP 2012 situation is like a cattle drive. The only thing absent is mooing and manure. None of the current Republican candidate herd is worthy of my vote.

That is why I believe the Republican Party should do a 'pass' on the 2012 POTUS election. There would be about Two Billion Dollars saved, by Democrats and Republicans – money that could be used for a better purpose.